The Church of God International

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Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

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In our modern day and age, technology has taken some quantum leaps. An illustration of that, as hard as it is to believe, is the capacity to instantly access massive amounts of information—books, articles, pictures, videos, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and more—through the amazing little devices we call our “cell phones.” As incredible as it sounds, computers that used to consume thousands of square feet of space can now be held in the palm of your hand and are able to outperform those old machines of yesterday.

As Bill and Mike discuss, it appears we haven’t seen anything yet! Artificial Intelligence is a whole other segment of computerization development. The processing of these specific types of computers is just stunning and completely amazing. The technology is now evolving to the point that through wireless signals computer hard-drives can, with certain integrated mechanical components, control all types and kinds of external machines. As a matter of fact, there are now driverless semi-tractor-trailers driving up and down the California coastal interstate highways delivering goods and services to many consumers. Robots are actually being used now in many areas of manufacturing, inventory control, and education, with many more beta sites already in progress or under consideration for experimenting from fast food services to law-enforcement and the military. It’s just astonishing and very hard to believe. It’s like science fiction meeting our reality!

However, as Bill and Mike bring out, with many of these technological advancements there is always a down side—or should we say “dark side”—potential of these high-tech developments that do portend to be problematic and distressing. As they point out in this web-chat, much of these concerns pertain to the competitive demeanor of the Chinese Government and its Communistic approach of supporting the private Chinese entrepreneur with government funds. This “State-Capitalism” is hard to compete with and has indeed proven to be far more cost-effective and faster in its ability to mature the technologies of robotics, satellites, and Artificial Intelligence—China is ahead in this technology.

Take a few minutes out and listen in on Bill and Mike as they take you through some educational information about “Artificial Intelligence” and what it might mean for future prophetic fulfillment, as described in the book of Revelation.