The Church of God International

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Signals & Signs of the Devil

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What a world we live in today. There are so many evils that are working within our society. And clearly, not only here in the United States, but throughout the world. There are forces at work that are committed to tearing apart the very “heart and core” of the human and cultural fabric of mankind. There is a “being” that most people refuse to recognize for who he is, because he is a master at keeping himself invisible—camouflaged—to the common person. He and his minions have been on earth long before humanity was ever created; and since humans were made, he has been interacting, influencing, and causing much of the pain, suffering, and confusion that mankind has inflicted upon himself.

What is so insidious about this being, known as the devil and his kingdom of demons, are his methods—they are so subtle! His influences are so hard to identify when contending with laws and circumstances that now have normalized and legalized so much evil and, sadly, are currently so acceptable to the moral relativism and postmodern thinking we are presently experiencing. As a matter of fact, it’s hard to believe just how much of his operations and involvement are in our face! Frankly, unless you are “woken” (aware and alerted) to his “signals and signs” you will never recognize just how close and interactive you are to his participation in something that you may be involved with—but unaware of the influence his ways may be having on you, your children, or family and friends. It’s both astonishing and surreal, but disturbing at the same time.

In this Web-chat session, Bill and Mike discuss these evils that surround us with acceptance, unfortunately, and show the attraction of the “rich and famous,” and how they communicate with each other about these Satanic activities that so many of them are practicing. Admittedly, some of this information is hard to believe, but when the FBI, videos, and the inclusion of their involvements substantiate it by their own admissions, it’s hard not to accept it for what it is. Yet, as it’s been said, facts are stubborn things—and facts are hard to deny! 

Take a moment to listen in on what Bill and Mike have to say about these Signals and Signs of Satan. It’s guaranteed to help you see things you’re not recognizing and are shockingly much closer to you and your children than you realize. Be vigilant, get “wakened,” and become a better, more improved “watcher” for the sake of you, your family, and your friends!