The Church of God International

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What Is the Birthright Promise?

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In today’s Christian community, it is clearly understood that Jesus Christ is indeed the promised Savior and Redeemer of mankind. It is certainly acknowledged and accepted by all Christians that He is the “propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). It really doesn’t matter what Christian denomination you belong to concerning this particular teaching because they all have this in common—they teach and believe Jesus Christ was provided as a “promise” from God for humanity, and it was fulfilled some 2000 years ago.

But, admittedly, most Christians associated with the more traditional beliefs of the Christian way do not recognize, nor are most aware, that in conjunction with that promise of Jesus Christ was an additional segment that included a promise of physical wealth and affluence for a nation of people that would come from Abraham’s ethnic line. This segment is often overlooked, or marginalized because most denominations are completely unaware of this distinction.

Unfortunately, this has lead to a lot of misunderstanding of just what part this “birthright” of material wealth and affluence for a culture of people plays in the grand scheme of God’s plan. Christians today are mostly clueless about this very important promise God actually made to the tribe of Joseph in Genesis 48.

Interestingly enough, this topic goes right to the heart of our current geopolitical arrangement of nations around the world. And it begins to answer questions like, why is the “birthright promise” so important? What significance is its role within the plan of God? Is there a specific profile we can use for identifying who these birthright nations are? Does it have prophetic value, and who are the recipients of this portion of the promise God made to Abraham?

In this session of Web-chat, Bill and Wayne discuss some of the details concerning this birthright promise and attempt to unpack this subject by addressing some of these questions, along with covering, in the course of their conversation, some very interesting nuances.

So, take a few moments and listen in on the discussion as they add some clarity to this overlooked promise of material wealth for a latter-day nation that is equally promised alongside our promised Savior—Jesus Christ!