The Church of God International

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Pedophilia: A Growing Pandemic

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The human trafficking industry is growing by quantum leaps, and the sex trafficking segment is exponentially increasing at “break-neck” speed—it’s pandemic in scale. Much of this is due to the Internet. It has brought a certain element of privacy that affords a level of concealment heretofore unattainable. Back in the day, to make a connection arranged for sex had higher risks of exposure due to the required methods for accessing the services.

Today, privacy and secrecy is of the utmost importance—especially since recent evidence has indicated very prominent individuals in our communities and political leadership roles have been involved with the “sex-slave” industry, which includes pedophilia. This is substantiated by private interest groups attempting to suggest legislation to lower the age of consent to as young as 12 years old—or eliminate it altogether!

For Instance, The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the USA. Its objective is to eliminate the age-of-consent laws that criminalize adult sexual involvement with minors. It also is attempting to campaign for the release of men who have been prosecuted as sex offenders of minors.

This very sad and mentally ill behavior—a “lifestyle” for some—is becoming far more popular then most of us would like to admit. It’s becoming more likely that having sex with or marrying youngsters will become acceptable, as it is currently in some Middle Eastern countries. What can we do about this? Is it enough to just be aware of it?

Take a few moments to become informed about this scourge within our world and consider what is suggested in this edition of Biblical News Updates & Commentary.