The Church of God International

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Over the last few years an enormous amount of information has been revealed by people coming forward. These people are "blowing the whistle" on a variety of illegal, conspiratorial, and nefarious acts from a broad range of individuals that many wouldn't think to be involved in this level of activity.

But, persons of interest at high levels of influence, like former DNC Chair Person Debby Wasserman Shultz, Donna Brazil, General Flynn, Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Lois Lerner of the IRS, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and many others have all been either accused, suspected, or out rightly fired.  This is due to their unethical behavior, lies, or their alleged nefarious acts of obstruction and/or obfuscation of the facts and/or truth. What is going on? Some of these people are considered to be "high level operatives" within the leadership of the United States Government, political arena, or the Intelligence community. How can this be?

Interestingly enough, what we are seeing is not unlike what ancient Israel went through––there are many striking parallels of similarity that ancient Israel shares with the United States and many of the Western nations of the world. Consequently, many of the ancient prophets of old have some very pertinent messages that we, as a nation, could learn from if we listened as a people. If not, the history of ancient Israel is a "shout out" warning us!

Take a few moments with Bill Watson as he goes through some of these parallel scriptures that explain and warn that our (modern day) nation is really under the scrutiny of the God we embrace; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And, admittedly, as unsettling as this may be, it appears we are being weighed in the balances and are “found wanting”! We hope God will give you “eyes to see and ears to hear”  in these dangerous times we find ourselves living in!