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Iran Update

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Most recently, many political leaders around the world were shocked and stunned over the bold reaction the Trump Administration took when responding to the killing of a US contractor, the wounding of a handful of US soldiers, and the attack on the US Embassy in Iraq by Iranian-backed terrorists. Never did anyone ever think President Donald Trump would approve the elimination of Qassem Soleimani, the commanding General of the Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force, which is a special elite fighting and intelligence unit within Iran’s military. United States General Patreaus called him our most significant and evil adversary in the Middle East.

The targeting of General Soleimani also resulted in the killing of Iraq’s Senior leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and Deputy leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah. This was a major “kill mission” that successfully took out quite a large leadership element of Iran. As was expected, Iran retaliated with firing about a dozen or so missiles on a shared Iraqi, US military base, but uniquely enough didn’t kill anyone. 

The world thought we were on the brink of WWIII, and it was going to escalate beyond the point of no return—perhaps even drawing China and Russia into the tension and potential conflict. But, oddly enough, nothing happened! President Trump pulled back and slapped Iran with additional sanctions, but since no additional US military soldiers were killed, President Trump chose to de-escalate—very interesting.

Do you think President Trump’s threat to possibly consider cultural targets—52 of them—had anything to do with it? It would seem there was some “back-channel” discussions going on that allowed an acceptable “mutual means” of reacting to the killing of General Soleimani that afforded the Iranians to “save face” as long as no more US soldiers were killed. However, regardless of that, what is important is the situation de-escalated and the tensions have subsided, at least for now.

Clearly, we are heading into some potentially dangerous times and, ultimately, nations are indeed leading the world into a future conflict of unimaginable magnitude. However, your Bible has a lot to say about these warnings of “rumors of war” and “nations rising up against nations” and just what these predictions should mean to us. Take a moment to listen and find out just why Bill wasn’t overreacting to this extraordinary Iranian event that claimed the life of a man responsible for killing thousands of Muslim people, along with thousands of American soldiers. And hear Bill out regarding what we really should be concerned about and what is indeed heading our way at some time in the future!