The Church of God International

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Coronavirus Update

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By now most of us are well aware of the growing concerns and progress the Coronavirus has been making. Since the Coronavirus represents a family of viruses, here recently, this specific one has now been separately labeled as Covid #19 and is continuing to spread throughout the world. It has now been identified in more than two-dozen countries.

There remains a mystery still surrounding this virus as to just where it came from and how it works within the human body. Presently the Internet is “buzzing” with a lot of speculation and rumors, suspicions, and even accusations about just where, why, and who is behind this outbreak.

There doesn’t appear to be any question about where it originated from, at least geographically. Most are agreed the Chinese city of Wuhan, with a population of about 10-12 million people, is the epicenter of the outbreak. Some have proceeded to claim it originated from an open market that had contaminated food, in particular bats, and the virus jumped from an animal or fish species to a human host. Whether this is true or not remains to be confirmed, especially since the Chinese government hasn’t been the best transparent and forthright source of information. Frankly, there seems to be considerable reason to believe that both the severity and the source of this epidemic have not been accurately determined or reported.

As an illustration of this, just recently on the program Face the Nation, Senator Tom Cotton of the Senate Intel Committee raised the plausibility that this virus might be a weaponized virus that escaped its laboratory confines and went rogue. This immediately caused the Chinese US Ambassador to respond with the idea that it came from a US lab originally. However, with that said, it just so happens the city of Wuhan is a Biosafety Lab - level 4 location for military biological experimentation. So, there remains plenty of reason to explore a conversation about just where all this is coming from and where it will lead.

Actually, there is a very interesting “factoid” that has emerged out of this tragic event that Bill discloses in this Biblical News Update & Commentary session. It even caught him by surprise, and when understood for what it portends, frankly it’s really surprising, shocking, and disturbing!

So, why don’t you take a few minutes and let us share with you this information for your and your family’s awareness and perhaps safety. It’s good precautionary information for you to be alerted to and made aware of, especially in this environment of a growing viral epidemic.