The Church of God International

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A Beast on the Move

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After coming through the most recent presidential election, the people of the United States have been given a brand new administration. Admittedly, as compared to past presidential administrations, this present one is considered one of the most progressive, if not the most progressive, of all time. And, not surprisingly, after just one month since the inauguration, executive order after executive order have been signed and issued, designed to dismantle the previous nationalist policies and reconnect the United States back into the globalist agenda.

Many of the globalist policies that were discontinued and removed from the United States' support and involvement are now being implemented again as they were prior to 2016. Policies like the Paris Climate Accord, restrictions on oil drilling and the shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline project, along with the construction of the southern border wall designed to minimize illegal immigration; all have been stopped! Most recently, the travel ban from terrorist Middle Eastern countries has been lifted, and the recent attempt of suspending the deportation of illegal immigrants is being resisted in state courts—why, even the financial support of the World Health Organization (WHO) has been resumed. Yes, globalist policies are once again being reestablished, reconnected, and incrementally revived, with this U. S. administration's full support!

Interestingly and uniquely enough, of all things, Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano shared an intriguing perspective that he has about the growing globalist threat with former President Donald Trump back in October of 2020. He went through quite a bit of detail as to why he thinks there is a reason for concern about what is being labeled the "Great Reset." He has a curious take on why things are the way they are, and though it is merely his opinion from his worldview as the former Vatican Nuncio to the United States, when viewing the world today and pondering what is actually going on—well, it would seem to warrant some serious consideration.

Take a few moments and listen to the analysis of this Archbishop's letter, NBC interview, and the connection Bill makes to the book of Revelation and, furthermore, how it seems to appear the stage is now being set for an acceleration of global initiatives due to the renewed involvement of the United States—its resumed, self-imposed domestic restrictions and, most importantly, the financial backing of these New World Order policies. It does indeed give one something to seriously consider as to what all this could portend for all of us in the years ahead!