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Connecting History and the Bible - Religious Counterfeits

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What’s with this thing called counterfeits?  It’s not just counterfeit MONEY that we need to be concerned about when it comes to counterfeiting.  We also have to be concerned about counterfeit documents, counterfeit clothes, counterfeit software, and counterfeit … Rosetta Stone.  That’s right.  Rosetta Stone—that program for learning a foreign language.  I recently read that about 25% of all on line purchases of Rosetta Stone are counterfeits.   All these things are physical counterfeits.

But even more importantly, we need to be concerned about religious counterfeits.  I’m Wes White from and welcome to Connecting History and the Bible.  Let’s go to Ft Knox KY.

I’m standing in front of the United States Bullion Depository—better known as Ft Knox.  Ft Knox holds about 4,500 metric tons of gold.  This is about 3% of the gold that has ever been refined in all of human history.  You know, some conspiracy theorists say that there is actually no gold in Ft Knox—they say that the government has sold off all the gold and that Ft Knox is filled with bricks that are just painted gold.  Is this true?  I don’t know.  And (unless you’ve been inside Ft Knox), you don’t know either.  Now, we need to be aware of physical counterfeits that might affect our lives.  But we need to be more concerned with religious counterfeits that are all around us. 

Did you know that in the religious world there are counterfeit days?  Oh yes.  There are days that God wants you to observe and there are counterfeits of these days that man has set up.  These counterfeit days take our minds off God’s true days of observance.

There are also counterfeit leaders in history.  These people take our minds off God.  For example, there once lived a man named Nimrod.  It was claimed that he was the resurrected Messiah.  This man lived right after Noah’s Flood.  He was a counterfeit of the real Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, that we read about in the Bible.

Nimrod and his mother created a religious system that still exists today.  At, we have a sermon message on Nimrod. We also have information on religious days—observances that are set up by God and false observances that are set up by man.  We must always be aware of religious counterfeits.  We’ll see you next time on Connecting History and the Bible on

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