The Church of God International

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A Closer Walk


by Margaret "Peggy" Hunter


Grant me Father to walk close with Thee

Help me look at myself and my own sins to see

Let me walk with you hand and hand throughout my life

And find in you… Life wonderful delights


Help me search my soul all the way through

But let me never take my eyes off you

You have been there for me in joy and in pain

It is your love for me that keep me sustained


Let me come little closer to you

Through prayer, study, fasting and whatever I do

I know you will be there for me

There is no other place I would rather be


Let me walk a little closer and grow more in spirit

And understand your words whenever I hear it

It is your words that bring me ever so close

For your truths is what I love the most


So let me walk with you stride to stride

It is you I want always by my side

Help me let nothing or anyone come before you

And let your spirit in me lead me to what is true