The Church of God International

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Public Bible Study

June 15 was Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday is celebrated in all the Western liturgical churches to celebrate “The Most Holy Trinity”. The Trinity is a confusing doctrine that no one understands and no one can explain. Yet, it is deemed essential to salvation by Catholics and Protestants alike. The Trinity is the fundamental doctrine of Christianity. In fact, this single doctrine defines who is a Christian and who is a heretic. 

On October 27, 1553, Michael Servetus was burned at the stake for denying the Trinity. While many have been executed for denying the Trinity, Servetus's death was historic because he was condemned to death by the Catholic church, but actually put to death by the Protestant church. The renowned Protestant reformer and theologian, John Calvin, personally condemned and authored the execution of Servetus. Why do both Catholics and Protestants adhere to this doctrine so passionately when it was not taught by Jesus nor any of His apostles? Since the 4th century, the Trinity doctrine has been passionately enforced on a worldwide basis despite the lack of biblical evidence.

On June 28th, the Burlington congregation will be hosting a public and interactive Bible Study demonstrating irrefutably that the Trinity is a false and damaging doctrine and has nothing to do with the God of the Bible. All are welcome to attend. We especially welcome Catholic priests and Protestant ministers who sincerely want to know and teach the truth.

Please forward this invitation to anyone you think would benefit from learning the truth about the Trinity doctrine. 

We meet at:

3416 Fairview Street
Burlington, Ontario

We begin at 1:00 PM. Please plan to arrive by 12:45. We look forward to sharing the truth of God’s word.

With love,

Bro. Adrian