The Church of God International

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Accept Imperfection

by Brandy Webb

We won’t always get it right, so why do we try to reach perfection? Isn’t this self-seeking idea what the serpent promised Eve in the garden? If we were to become perfect at everything, then why would we need salvation? Therefore, since we are not perfect, and we seriously need grace and favor from God, then we need to accept the reality of the situation; we won’t reach perfection right now.

We are told that we are precious to the Father and the Messiah, and our robes are made white because they will cleanse us and create in us a great work (Isa 43:1; Rev 7:9-14). Let the potter do His job and work with His hands (Isa 64:8). Remember, He chose the base of the earth, for He did not come to save the righteous but the sinners (1 Cor 1:27-28; Matt 9:13).

Therefore—Judge Not

John 8:7b: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 

Too many of us read this and feel it only applies when others are judging someone else, but it can also mean when our head decides to place judgment on ourselves. What is the difference between other people casting judgment on you versus your own sinful flesh casting judgment on yourself?

There has only been one perfect human being, our Savior Jesus. He tells us to judge not (Matt 7:1; Luke 6:37). I know that the Messiah means judging others in these scriptures, but since we are to treat others the way we want to be treated, we should also strive to treat ourselves the same way. So, why do we think it is okay to judge ourselves? Paul states that he “judge[s] not [his] own self” (1 Cor 4:3b ). Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that we should not self-examine so that we are growing in righteousness. I’m talking about self-condemnation, when we rehash over and over again how imperfect we are.

I feel that I am probably preaching to the choir here. There are countless books on how not to self-condemn, but I know from my own personal experience it is easy to fall into the bad habit. Is it by chance that maybe this inner criticism that leads to the point of self-pity, makes us feel more “humble”? True humility is accepting the fact that we are sinners and that we receive salvation, forgiveness, and grace due to the Messiah’s acceptable sacrifice for us. Thus, we humbly go before the throne with the knowledge that we cannot make it without the Father and the Messiah.

True self-improvement and growth is when we repent for our sins, learn from them, forgive ourselves, and move forward in life. It is not feeling guilty, then seeking forgiveness, then rehashing over and over again our sins to the point of making us feel like we are as worthless as a worm without dirt. The Father knows we sin. He even knows the sins we overlook, and yet He loves us fully still. Let this love beyond understanding set us free and heal us because “as far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalms 103:12).