The Church of God International

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Homosexual Marriage

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Hi.  I’m Wes White from  And welcome to another Bible Q&A.  Recently, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about homosexuality and the Bible.  And that’s because the United States Supreme Court has now ruled on the subject of same-sex marriage.  This new ruling now allows for same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

Many people are now confused by this ruling.  Some are frightened.  This decision will have ramifications for everyone.  

And now is time for the churches of God to take stock of this development.  There’s already been much discussion as to how this decision will impact society, but we in the body of Christ need to examine how this ruling will affect us in the church.

This is not the time to panic and make irrational statements.  It’s time for us to let the let the Holy Spirit guide our words and actions …as we try to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  More than ever, now is the time for God’s people to let their lights shine.  But we’ve got to be calm and rational.

I’ve had many people tell me, “Wes, I am so afraid for what’s happening in our country right now.”  And I have responded by saying:  During the Great Depression of the 30s, some e-CON-omists actually feared that we would not ever come out of that Depression.  One economist during that time was asked how long it would be before that Depression ended.  He said, “It may never end.  It may be like the Dark Ages and last for 400 years.” 

People in the 1930s were afraid.  My parents lived thru the Depression and told me all about it.  They said everyone was fearful.  And, in response to that fear, they were given the following words of encouragement, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself-- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

What’s the next step of the church of God? Well, first of all, we’re gonna continue to preach Romans 1:26.  We’re gonna teach what God’s Word says.  And we’re going to preach it with love.

Second, we’ve got to make sure that we don’t become obsessed with possible future persecution.  We don’t know what the future holds.  We’re not prophets.  And besides, it’s not persecution that we need to fear.  It’s safety that we need to fear.  Someone’s now thinking, “How could you say such a thing?”  I can say it with assurance because history shows that persecution only makes God’s church stronger.  It’s safety that makes us forget our mission and fall into worldly pursuits that take our eyes off the prize.  Persecution is not going to keep us out of the Kingdom of God.  A lack of devotion to God can keep us out of the kingdom.  And that lack of devotion so many times is generated because of safety.  So we’ve got to put this safety and persecution thing into perspective from a Godly point of view.

I’m going to be give a sermon on these very points and more.. on July 25  right here at  I hope you watch it.  It’s entitled “The Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage.”  You might find it helpful as you struggle to understand recent events.  If you miss it, it’ll be available later in our archives.  We’ll see you next time on Bible Q&A.