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Supreme Court Ruling: Marriage––Defiled, or Protected?

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Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling, legalizing homosexual marriage. This law has afforded the homosexual community to obtain marriage licenses for legally authorizing same-sex unions as a legitimate marriage. However, does this really provide same-sex couples to access the status, or condition of marriage? Are homosexual couples actually able to enter into the union of marriage? Does the Supreme Court of the United States have the authority to actually define marriage as a homosexual union? These are important questions.

In a world filled with conditions and events that are not what they appear to be, it would seem this legislative ruling is just another attempt to claim something is, when in fact, it’s nothing of the sort. 

What many overlook and don’t consider is there are absolutes in life. Throughout the material world we are surrounded by absolutes—gravity, air, water, minerals and chemical properties, etc. These are absolute; they have laws and content that define them by the criteria they exist by. What so many fail to recognize is there are also spiritual absolutes—and marriage happens to be one of those spiritual absolutes. In the world of spiritual absolutes, as in the material world, there is a required criterion that mandates the definition; and this must match the profile that qualifies the condition considered to be a marriage.

This recent “Biblical News Update and Commentary” explores this reality and addresses the spiritual absolute that defines what marriage really is, thereby affording the viewer to see through this ruling that attempts to redefine marriage and see it for what it really is.

The good news is: marriage is a spiritual absolute, immovable, rock solid, anchored in the Word of God, and derives its authority and identity from the divine laws of God, making it impossible for man to reassign it to mean something else. So, if this is true, and homosexual marriage is a conjoining contradiction—an oxymoron—then what is “the state” that same-sex couples have when they commit themselves to each other? Take a few minutes and watch this presentation as we attempt to answer this question.

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