The Church of God International

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by Brandy Webb

You know we have a lot of “firsts” in our lives. The day we are born is the first day separate from our mother’s womb. We have first days of school and first days of work. First days have to happen every time we do something new, and sometimes those first days can bring a flood of anxiety.

This week was the first day for my kids to go to public school. I am a homeschooling mom that decided to do something different this year. After much thought and prayer, my family and I decided to give public school a chance. I am for a good education. I have friends that homeschool, friends that send their kids to private school, and friends that send their kids to public school. Every decision is family based. So, my only disclaimer is, don’t judge others in how they decide to educate their children. We are all doing the best for kids in the best way we know how.

Okay, that aside, this has been a strange, hard, anxious, and exciting week. I think we have gone through nearly every emotion that we can have. It is hard to have those first days or even those first weeks. I have had lots of anxiety. I have even cried. My daughter is super excited, and my son is very nervous. This wasn’t what I planned to happen when it comes to my children’s education, but I have learned that things don’t usually go as planned.

Therefore, this week, I have learned many biblical truths to help us get through this first week. The first thought that came to my head when I started to worry about our decision was, “Do not lean on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge God, and He will make your paths straight” (Prov 3:5). When I wondered if I was doing the right thing, I focused on “Commit your way unto the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass” (Psa 37:5). When anxiety wanted to take me under, I put my faith in God because He gives “perfect peace to those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in” Him (Isa 26:3).  

When my son became anxious this week, I taught him that this was an opportunity for him to rely on God, because when we are weak He can make us strong (2 Cor 12:9-10). I told Him to cast all His cares and anxieties on Him, and to remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (1 Pet 5:7; Phil 4:13). That was when I realized that this new experience can and probably will be a new spiritual growth experience. I will have to practice what I preach to my children, to set the example of faith and trust. I hope that I will show them by my words, actions, prayers, etc., that God doesn’t give us a “spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7). Therefore, when we face something new, we can go forward with confidence that we are not alone, and that our Father will help us get through our first days.

As adults, we know what it is like to have “butterflies” in our stomach when we start something new and different. We also know how to keep putting one foot in front of the other despite the nervousness. It has been a long time since I was in school, but I remembered this week how that first day felt. I am grateful that God gave me words of comfort and wisdom, for not only me, but to also share with my children. So, when you are having your first day of whatever and you are feeling a little anxious, let God comfort you with His Word. And remember to share it with others.