The Church of God International

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Working Together in Unity

by Brandy Webb

The Body can heal. The Body can work in unity. The Body can show love. The Body of Christ, His people, can actually communicate across organizational lines as long as we are willing to make the effort.

I had the privilege to be a part of a Feast site at Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky this year where three different groups worked together. They were Church of God International, Christian Educational Ministries, and United Church of God.

It was awesome. Now, I know that Common Faith Network is made up of different groups, and they have successfully held Feast sites in Florida for some years. Therefore, it isn’t new seeing different groups working together, but it is great to see it happening more and more. We need to start working together because we are the Body of Christ. We need to be able to communicate well in order for the body to be healthy, vital, and working in a positive direction.

I realize that one positive that has happened due to all the splits is that it has humbled us. It made us aware that there is not one set group out there that is the only “chosen” ones. It also reveals that just like we have different body parts physically that work together in order for our physical bodies to function correctly, the different groups are also different spiritual body parts, and we need to make sure that the lines of communication stay functioning. Communication is vital for the spiritual body to function correctly. Just like a break in the spinal cord can stop communication between our brain and legs, thus preventing us from walking, a breakdown in communications between God’s people can also prevent the “body” from walking down the path of righteousness.

It is our duty to work together to make sure God’s body doesn’t become paralyzed. We can no longer waste any more time on bitterness over splits, and we can’t use splits to excuse ourselves from working with someone else just because we go to different COGs. Seriously, do you think that Jesus is going to ask us what 501c3 group we belonged to when we face Him in the Kingdom? I don’t think so. I think He may ask us to give an account for how well we loved others despite our differences. 

I am really grateful that bridges are starting to mend. I hope that we all learn how to be the Body of Christ together. I am not saying we all need to go back to one church. I actually enjoy the various groups. It opens my eyes to different ideas. I also think that it may help with spreading the gospel. However, I do like seeing groups getting together for special days like Holy Days. It was nice to not see dividing lines at the Feast, and I hope that more and more groups open up to each other more often as time goes by. For, we all are striving to be Christ’s disciples and in order to do this we must “love one another” (John 13:34-35).