The Church of God International

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Sing Out Loud

by Brandy Webb

Did you know that Judah’s army at one time was led by musicians and singers? I really love this story. It is found in 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, gets word that an army from Moab and Ammon are coming to attack Judah. Jehoshapat turns to God for help, and also has all of Judah to seek God’s help.

In verse 17, Jahaziel lets all of Judah know that they need not worry for they “will not need to fight this battle” because God was going to fight it for them. After this, all of Judah bow to worship God, and the Levites stand up to praise God in an “exceedingly loud voice” (2 Chron 20:18-19). The next day, they set out to go against their enemies, and Jehoshaphat appoints those that can sing to stand before the army, to lead the way, singing thanks to God. Jehoshaphat had so much faith in God fighting this battle for him that he sent out the chorus and orchestra first in front of the army.

This story shows a lot about faith and praise. I believe it reveals that we can show our faith through praise with music. I also do not think you must be musically gifted in order to show faith through music. In fact, sometimes I just turn on some Christian music that I enjoy and play it really loud in order to praise my Father in Heaven. 

I have always loved music. I especially love it when a song gives me goose bumps. Or when I am struggling with something and then I hear a song that helps me to feel either peace or joy. Music is powerful. It can inspire, motivate, encourage, comfort, and more. I believe that music is important to God. David did assign 288 men to be the Temple musicians in 1 Chronicles 25. These men could play cymbals, harps, other stringed instruments, and sing. I think this shows that God enjoys music. 

My point is that music may be a tool that we can use to fight against fear, anxieties, pain, suffering, and anything other “battles” we are facing. I believe that it is a tool we have to fight against the devil. For example, the past few weeks we have witnessed some horrific occurrences all around the world. Well, one Sabbath I realized that one way to feel joy, even in the midst of all the chaos that is going on around us, is by singing hymns of praise to God. During our songs at services, I started to feel hope and joy, and it is actually what inspired me to share how powerful music can be when it praises our God.

Therefore, let “the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Col 3:16). Let us use music to destroy fear and to edify each other, and let us always “Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens!... Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” (Psa 150:1, 6).