The Church of God International

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by Brandy Webb

I want to be a lighthouse. I want to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit to dwell in and shine brightly in this dark world. I want God’s Spirit to become a beacon within me that guides others away from the rocky shores of life and into still waters. I want the beacon to be lit all the time. I want to guide people out of “storms.” 

This is what I want to be. This is my ultimate professional goal in life. I want my light to shine in such a way that others “may see [my] good works, and glorify [my] Father who is in heaven” (Matt 5:16). I don’t want to force myself onto them. I want them to see my light when they meet me without my help, so that I cannot boast because it will be coming from within. I will just be the lighthouse and the Holy Spirit is the light. 

I know that in order for this to happen I must not quench the Spirit by participating in the unfruitful deeds of darkness. I must believe that by following the Messiah and believing in Him makes me a child of light, so therefore I better learn “what is pleasing to the Lord” (Eph 5:8-10). For I was made for God’s pleasure, not my own, and if I want to have the Holy Spirit to dwell in me I have to let it work in me. I’d better make sure that I keep my “house” clean so that the light can shine through. I don’t want to quench the light or cover it up with unfruitful fruit and weeds. I want it to shine always and forever. I don’t want credit for it; I just want to be used by it. The joy of knowing that I have this light within me is all I need. Then, I’ll know that I am truly a child of God. 

I am sure that I am not the only one who has this ultimate goal for themselves in this life. We are to be lights always. It is what helps guide us and each other. Together we can be “lighthouses” all over the world. Even the tiniest flame destroys darkness. So, let us shine brightly, destroying darkness everywhere we go. Then maybe people will ask us to share the hope within us because they see God’s light shining through. 



by Brandy Webb



In the dark waters of life

A lone man wanders,

Searching for a light.


The seas are high,

The shores are deadly,

There is no stillness to stop in.


He wanders, 

Searching and hoping,

Waiting and longing.


Where is the light?

Where is his guide?

Where is safety?


Then over the dark skies,

The man sees a flicker.

His heart leaps.


The soft glow gets brighter.

There it is, the light,

A guide in this dark night.


He turns toward it;

He uses it to guide him— 

Finally, finding the still waters.