The Church of God International

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God Listens

by Brandy Webb

There are never small miracles because every miracle is wonderful. It is always awesome when God answers prayers, whether it is healing or just Him taking our anxiety away. I am realizing that I need to stay aware of all the answered prayers that I have because every single one is an awesome miracle. It is so uplifting when our prayers are answered. In fact, Proverbs points out that a “desire fulfilled is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12). Therefore, an answered prayer is life giving to our soul.

This past week while my husband, Josh, was on his very far and long business trip, God answered prayers that gave me peace, took away anxiety, increased my hope, and built up my faith. The first answered prayer was on his flight over to the other side of the world. He had a very short layover in Tokyo. His plane from DFW was scheduled to land an hour before his next flight to Jakarta was to depart. Well, when the kids and I were getting ready for bed I checked his flight status and his plane was thirty minutes behind schedule. The kids and I immediately prayed for God to help the pilot make up for the lost time, and that Josh would not miss his connecting flight. Thankfully, God heard our prayer because when I got up in the middle of the night and checked the flight status it had landed only a few minutes late, not thirty minutes late. I prayed again, right then, that Josh was able to make it to his next flight, and a few minutes after my prayer he texted me saying that he was on his next flight. It was wonderful to have an immediate answer to a prayer.

Another quick answered prayer was for help with the issue my husband was trying to fix. He wasn’t able to completely fix the issue that the customer was having in Indonesia, so the kids and I once again prayed. We prayed for grace and favor with the customer and that God would just miraculously fix the problem. Shortly after our prayer, my husband texted me saying, “If you are praying for grace with the customer it is working.” This text seriously gave me goose bumps because it really was just a minute after our prayer that we received it. The next day, I found out that God did miraculously fix the problem.

I know to some these answers may not seem like a big deal, but they do for me because it just shows that God is real. He does listen to us. He does care. He does still work with His people, and there is never a small prayer to Him. We are to pray continuously without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This means to me that He wants a constant communication line open between Him and us. I truly believe that He doesn’t mind if we pray for everything in our lives. Prayer is what helps us combat stress, worries, anxieties, and cares of this world. We are told to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6, emphasis mine).

Pray about everything, and trust God to take care of it all. Rejoice when He answers prayers. Share with others your praises because our praise reports are like edification and encouragement gifts that we can give to each other. And remember, there are no small miracles for all miracles are wonderful.