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Neuralink Chips, Digital Currency and Gene Editing

by Mike James

Neuralink Corporation is an American neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk and others, developing implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs). The company’s headquarters are in San Francisco.

Since its founding in 2016, the company has hired several high-profile neuroscientists from various universities. By July 2019, it had received $158 million in funding (of which $100 million was from Musk) and was employing a staff of 90 employees. At that time, Neuralink announced that it was working on a “sewing machine-like” device capable of implanting very thin threads into the brain, and demonstrated a system that read information from a lab rat via 1,500 electrodes, anticipating starting experiments with humans in 2020.

Mr. Musk reported in 2019 that his company is working on a device that would provide a direct connection between a computer and a chip inserted within the brain. This brain computer interface will allow wearers to stream music to their brain and eventually a lot more. Musk said the chips “hold promise for the restoration of sensory and motor function and the treatment of neurological disorders.” He said on Twitter that the chips could “solve a lot of brain/spine injuries.”

Musk has also confirmed that the chips will be able to halt “rapid firing” in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and could stimulate the release of chemicals including serotonin and oxytocin.

Technology is also on the cusp of transforming our banking industry. The Bank of England (BOE) is part of a group of major central banks teaming up to possibly develop their own digital currencies. These banks acknowledge their role is being challenged by new technologies and private sector initiatives like Facebook’s Libra. Some look forward to a cashless society in the future while others express concern.

Gene-editing technology is entering an era in which genetic mutations can be reversed not only for one person but for future generations. The possibility of erasing perceived deficiencies is on the edge of what many people consider ethically acceptable.

This debate heated up in 2018 when a Chinese scientist announced the birth of the world’s first gene-edited babies—twin girls—using CRISPR (a family of DNA sequences) to give them immunity to HIV. In December 2019 the scientist was sentenced to three years in prison for “illegal medical practices.”

Once again technology seems to be providing us with positive changes in the near future. But not everyone is enthused by these coming changes. Some have concerns about implanting technology into humans. They cite scriptures like Revelation 13:16-18 and Revelation 14:9-11 which mentions people not being able to buy and sell unless they had “the mark of the beast” in their hand or head. These scriptures may also have ramifications in relation to global banking. If all banking becomes digital it will be easier to control. Nobody is quite sure what the mark of the beast is, but nobody wants to have it. Could it be some sort of chip implanted in humans? Could it determine what you are able to do economically? Will it have a connection to the AI (Artificial Intelligence) economy of the future? I guess it is possible, but we will have to wait and see.

Interestingly enough, the book of Revelation might be addressing the perils of technology in another way. In Revelation 9:20 we read the following: “And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk.” Notice especially the phrase “repented not of the works of their hands.” As society relies more and more on technology, for some it is becoming a god. 

To some people, technology is becoming an idol. We use it to solve many of our problems and make our lives easier. Soon AI will be transforming many of our businesses forever. With any positive changes there will always be negative repercussions. Let’s hope the breakthroughs ahead with technology will not lead to more and more people forgetting about religion and their need for a relationship with God. 


“Bank-Backed Digital Currency to Come,”, 13 July 2020 in Midnight Call September 2020, p. 29.

“Neuralink Chip Streams Music Directly to Brain,”, 21 July 2020 in Midnight Call September 2020, p. 26.

“Gene Editing Now a Looming Reality,”, 22 July 2020 in Midnight Call October 2020, p. 30.

“Game Changer What is Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Neuralink and What Will It Do?” by Kassidy Vavra, The U.S. Sun, July 21, 2020,