The Church of God International

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Modern Thinking

by Mike James

On October 9, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1084, which will force large stores to have non-gendered toy sections beginning in 2024. The stores will still have boys' and girls' sections. Still, the new law will have stores provide "a reasonable selection of toys and items in a "gender-neutral section…regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or boys."

California Assemblyman Evan Low stated, "Traditionally, children's toys and products have been categorized by a child's gender. In retail, this has led to the proliferation of [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics]-geared toys in a 'boys' section and toys that direct girls to pursuits such as caring for a baby, fashion, and domestic life."

I don't think there is anything wrong with a girl interested in science, technology, and engineering. Perhaps more toys like that should be available to girls. But slowly and inexorably, our society is moving away from God's biblical principles. This is just one more subtle example.

Who could argue with giving young girls the opportunity to reach their potential in science, math, and technology-related fields? But that is not all that is happening here. As we break down the walls between the genders, we open ourselves up to other problems that will eventually come to the surface. When we begin to alter the primary biblical roles of men and women, we are heading to more issues in our societies. Family and marital problems, just to name a few.

Low went on to say, "The segregation of toys by a social construct of what is appropriate for which gender is the antithesis of modern thinking." Modern thinking? I think it is possible to read into what Low is saying. Could he possibly be against an ancient book (the Bible) that says nothing about whether girls can play with math, technology, or science toys but does make a definite distinction between boys and girls and their primary roles in society?

On the other side of this, Jonathan Keller, president of the conservative California Family Council lobbying group, said, "…state legislators have no right to force retailers to espouse government-approved messages about gender. It's a violation of free speech, and it's just plain wrong."

Low told the Sacramento Bee he was inspired to write the legislation when he found out that Target decided to eliminate some gendered sections in their stores in 2015. Many companies over the past few years have been making decisions based on a broader understanding of gender. Or I would say a more modern understanding. As fewer people attend Church and even less read their bibles, we will see more and more things change in our culture that was once ensconced in the Judeo-Christian ethic.

This might not seem like a significant issue to write about, but my point is major changes happen due to numerous minor changes. The legalization of homosexual marriage was preceded by many smaller steps over a number of years.

But wait, there is more modern thinking to report. DC Comics has recently announced that their new Superman (Jon Kent, son of original Superman Clark Kent) is coming out as bisexual in the November 9th issue of Superman: Son of Kal-El.

"I've always said everyone needs heroes, and everyone deserves to see themselves in their heroes, and I'm very grateful DC, and Warner Bros share this idea," writer Tom Taylor said.

He added: "Superman's symbol has always stood for hope, for truth, and for justice. Today, that symbol represents something more. Today, more people can see themselves in the most powerful superhero in comics."

For those of you who didn't know it, Robin (Batman and Robin), came out as bisexual in a recent Batman: Urban Legends comic book.

You may not find these examples I mention here as significant but believe me, they are. They are evidence of normalizing no differences between genders and having sex with males or females. We are way past only having sex in marriage. Why is this a problem? Because God says so (Genesis 3:16-17; Ephesians 5:22-33; Leviticus 18; Romans 1:26-27).

Many people are happy to hear about these changes and commenting on how good this is for our society. As Isaiah 5:20 warns: "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"


"California Law Will Require Gender-Neutral Toy Sections," by Jonathan Edwards, the Washington Post, October 12, 2021.

"DC fans react to Superman coming out as bisexual: 'Some real important stuff going on in the comics world today,'" by Peony Hirwani, Yahoo News, October 12, 20211