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Is America's Power Waning?

by Mike James

One could easily argue that since the end of World War II the United States has been the most powerful nation on earth. Since that time, our military, economy, and technology have been preeminent compared to all other nations. The argument can be made we are still number one in these categories, but how long will we remain in that position?

One interesting recent development pertains to the development of hypersonic missiles. Believe it or not, the United States (US) has fallen behind both China and Russia in this very important missile technology.

Hypersonic missiles can travel at least five times faster than the speed of sound.

The Pentagon started studying hypersonic technology in the early 1960s. Finally, in 2003, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) began a program to design a hypersonic weapons platform. It conducted two tests of its prototype, but both of the tests failed due to lost communication with their controllers.

Retired Air Force General John E. Hyten addressed our hypersonic program last year in this way: "We were developing hypersonics ahead of everybody in the world, and the first test failed. The first test of everything fails. So…we have two years of investigation…then we launch again and it fails….We canceled the program, and we stopped. Then others start building hypersonics…and they start moving fast, so we start the programs again."

Hyten believes the U.S. has conducted nine hypersonic tests in the past five years. The Chinese have conducted hundreds of these tests in the last five years.

General David D. Thompson, vice chief of space operations, said at the Halifax International Security Forum in November 2021 that the Pentagon has "a lot of catching up to do." He also said the US military is "not as advanced as the Chinese or the Russians in terms of hypersonic programs."

Some predict that China will overtake the US as the world's top economy by 2030. Some might wonder how a country with a godless government could ascend to such heights.

Let's not forget God used Cyrus the King of Persia to do His bidding even though Cyrus did not acknowledge the true God (Isaiah 45). God also used the nations of Assyria and Babylon to punish His people, Israel. The Assyrians and Babylonians did not worship the true God either.

The argument could be made that no other nation has ever had the blessings that the United States has had. We have more good cropland than any other nation. Our East coast has more large ports than the rest of the Western Hemisphere combined. Our rivers and waterways have more miles of navigable internal waterways than the rest of the world combined. We are naturally protected from foreign invasion by two large oceans on either side of us.

No other nation has been blessed with the wealth, resources, and geography that has provided our country with advantages over other nations. Was it all luck? I think not.

I think the United States has been blessed over the past almost 250 years because of our Christian principles and beliefs in the only true God of the Bible. Things are beginning to change on the world scene.

It could take 40, 50, or maybe 100 years, but I think we are witnessing the beginning of the end for America as the world leader.

Whatever is coming could mirror the demise of the ancient nation of Israel. Once they reached the apex of their power, they began to decline. It didn't happen all at once, but slowly over time, they were finally punished and destroyed for not following their God. A similar fate could be awaiting the United States.

In Ezekiel 16, we read an allegory about God's relationship with Israel. Israel is likened to a girl who is born and later comes into covenant or marriage with God. Over time the woman (Israel) prostitutes herself with other nations and loses God's favor. Israel will suffer punishment for her betrayal of God, but in the end, God will restore her.

A very similar story is occurring right before our eyes. The United States is losing its way, much like ancient Israel. It won't happen next year or anytime soon, but we will see the same fate as ancient Israel if we don't turn back to the God who has blessed our nation.


"Russia and China are 'aggressively developing' hypersonic weapons — here's what they are and why the US can't defend against them," by Amanda Macias, March 22, 2018,

"America led in hypersonics. Then others sped past," By David Ignatius, The Washington Post, February 4, 2022.

"World Geopolitics by the Bible: America's Next Chapter? – Part 7," by Wilfred Hahn, Midnight Call, December 2021.