Head Office - Church of God International in Australia
Contact: Pastor Herb Haupt
Phone: 07 5463 2949
Email: h-thaupt@skymesh.com.au
Write: PO Box 171, Boonah, QLD 4310
Meeting Time: Every Saturday at 1 PM.
Contact Pastor
Herb and Tui Haupt
Phone : 07 5463 2949 (Call for directions)
Email: h-thaupt@skymesh.com.au
Write: PO Box 171, Boonah, QLD 4310
Slacks Creek
(serving south-east Brisbane Area)
Meeting Time: The 1st and 3rd Sabbaths (Saturday) at 11 AM
Address: Kingston East Neighbourhood Group, 177 Meakin Rd (turn into Soccer Rd, then first right to building on rise), Slacks Creek, QLD, 4127
(Meakin Rd is between Queens Rd and State Road 50.)
Contact Pastor
Bob and Sonja Schofield
Phone: 1300 417 719
Email: info.for.cgi.qld@gmail.com
Write: PO Box 291, Nobby Beach QLD 4218
Melbourne Victoria
Contact: Tom e-mail tom@commonfaithacademy.org