Happy Mother's Day

by Brandy Webb

I am blessed to be a mom to two wonderful children.  I have definitely learned a lot from my children especially a gratefulness for how patient my mom must have been when I was a child. 

Yet, all joking aside I have grown to realize what makes a good mother.  A good mother is such a precious blessing.  She is more priceless than rubies (Prov 31:10).  She is a woman that sacrifices time for her children, gives loves freely, nurtures, protects, guides, and teaches.

I do believe that you do not have to have given birth to qualify as a mother.  If you are woman that is willing to “train up a child in the way [they] should go,” so that God willing, when they are “old, [they] will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6).  Then, you are a mother.

If you have wiped away tears, stopped doing something to lend an ear, gave a hug of comfort, kissed a booboo away, etc… Then, you have been a mother even if it was just for a moment.

I have had many “mothers” in my life that have helped me to grow and learn.  Who taught me about God and Jesus.  Who comforted me when I needed comforting.  Who loved me unconditionally.  

So, this mother’s day, I salute all women who have mothered a child, whether or not it was their very own.  You are lights for these children.  There is no telling what legacy you have created that will be passed down from generation to generation.  


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