What Is the Birthright Promise? (Part 2)
This Web-chat session picks up where part one left off with discussing and defining just what the Birthright promise is. The subject is vast, and even part two continues to just scratch the surface of this enormously important point of biblical history.
Your Bible contains four books—the books of the Kings and Chronicles—that primarily chronicle the history of the divided kingdom of Israel. This illustrates how vital the historical record is in understanding the original promise made to Abram in Genesis 12:1–3. Unfortunately, for the most part, the vast traditional Christian community misses a significant reason for this historical record and is therefore blinded to some very enlightening prophetic realities.
This has led to various confusing prophetic outlooks that have been advanced by many so-called Christian denominations misleading tens-of-thousands into completely ignoring the critical role the United States and British Commonwealth have played in helping forge the plan of God.
Unquestionably, most traditional Christians recognize the promise of a Savior; and that Messiah would come from the loins of Abraham, specifically from his great-grandchild Judah (remember, Christ was Jewish). But unfortunately, many miss the part of that same promise, which pertains to becoming a great and wealthy nation with bounty overflowing its boundaries and ultimately controlling the gateways to the lands of their enemies.
This promise of becoming a great nation and company of nations was never fulfilled by ancient Israel, or the Jews. Instead, it was reserved for a later purpose, a much more important purpose that would become critical to promoting the name of the Scepter promise—Jesus Christ!
In this session, Bill and Wayne take you through the migrations of these conquered people and trace their steps westward from their eastern homeland in Palestine. From there, you begin to see just what was behind the providential plan God had in mind—the setting up of a "promotional platform" of wealthy nations that adopted the name of Christ to be their religious foundation.
So take a moment and consider this very challenging record of biblical history. It commences with the separation of Judah (which had the Scepter Promise) from Israel (which had the Birthright Promise). It continues, over many centuries, to display the long-term results embedded in the circumstances of what is known as Israel's "divided kingdom" period.
What Is the Birthright Promise?
In this session of Web-chat, Bill and Wayne discuss some of the details concerning this birthright promise and attempt to unpack this subject.
In today’s Christian community, it is clearly understood that Jesus Christ is indeed the promised Savior and Redeemer of mankind. It is certainly acknowledged and accepted by all Christians that He is the “propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). It really doesn’t matter what Christian denomination you belong to concerning this particular teaching because they all have this in common—they teach and believe Jesus Christ was provided as a “promise” from God for humanity, and it was fulfilled some 2000 years ago.
But, admittedly, most Christians associated with the more traditional beliefs of the Christian way do not recognize, nor are most aware, that in conjunction with that promise of Jesus Christ was an additional segment that included a promise of physical wealth and affluence for a nation of people that would come from Abraham’s ethnic line. This segment is often overlooked, or marginalized because most denominations are completely unaware of this distinction.
Unfortunately, this has lead to a lot of misunderstanding of just what part this “birthright” of material wealth and affluence for a culture of people plays in the grand scheme of God’s plan. Christians today are mostly clueless about this very important promise God actually made to the tribe of Joseph in Genesis 48.
Interestingly enough, this topic goes right to the heart of our current geopolitical arrangement of nations around the world. And it begins to answer questions like, why is the “birthright promise” so important? What significance is its role within the plan of God? Is there a specific profile we can use for identifying who these birthright nations are? Does it have prophetic value, and who are the recipients of this portion of the promise God made to Abraham?
In this session of Web-chat, Bill and Wayne discuss some of the details concerning this birthright promise and attempt to unpack this subject by addressing some of these questions, along with covering, in the course of their conversation, some very interesting nuances.
So, take a few moments and listen in on the discussion as they add some clarity to this overlooked promise of material wealth for a latter-day nation that is equally promised alongside our promised Savior—Jesus Christ!
Signals & Signs of the Devil
What a world we live in today. There are so many evils that are working within our society. And clearly, not only here in the United States, but throughout the world. There are forces at work that are committed to tearing apart the very “heart and core” of the human and cultural fabric of mankind. There is a “being” that most people refuse to recognize for who he is, because he is a master at keeping himself invisible—camouflaged—to the common person. He and his minions have been on earth long before humanity was ever created; and since humans were made, he has been interacting, influencing, and causing much of the pain, suffering, and confusion that mankind has inflicted upon himself.
What a world we live in today. There are so many evils that are working within our society. And clearly, not only here in the United States, but throughout the world. There are forces at work that are committed to tearing apart the very “heart and core” of the human and cultural fabric of mankind. There is a “being” that most people refuse to recognize for who he is, because he is a master at keeping himself invisible—camouflaged—to the common person. He and his minions have been on earth long before humanity was ever created; and since humans were made, he has been interacting, influencing, and causing much of the pain, suffering, and confusion that mankind has inflicted upon himself.
What is so insidious about this being, known as the devil and his kingdom of demons, are his methods—they are so subtle! His influences are so hard to identify when contending with laws and circumstances that now have normalized and legalized so much evil and, sadly, are currently so acceptable to the moral relativism and postmodern thinking we are presently experiencing. As a matter of fact, it’s hard to believe just how much of his operations and involvement are in our face! Frankly, unless you are “woken” (aware and alerted) to his “signals and signs” you will never recognize just how close and interactive you are to his participation in something that you may be involved with—but unaware of the influence his ways may be having on you, your children, or family and friends. It’s both astonishing and surreal, but disturbing at the same time.
In this Web-chat session, Bill and Mike discuss these evils that surround us with acceptance, unfortunately, and show the attraction of the “rich and famous,” and how they communicate with each other about these Satanic activities that so many of them are practicing. Admittedly, some of this information is hard to believe, but when the FBI, videos, and the inclusion of their involvements substantiate it by their own admissions, it’s hard not to accept it for what it is. Yet, as it’s been said, facts are stubborn things—and facts are hard to deny!
Take a moment to listen in on what Bill and Mike have to say about these Signals and Signs of Satan. It’s guaranteed to help you see things you’re not recognizing and are shockingly much closer to you and your children than you realize. Be vigilant, get “wakened,” and become a better, more improved “watcher” for the sake of you, your family, and your friends!
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
In our modern day and age, technology has taken some quantum leaps. An illustration of that, as hard as it is to believe, is the capacity to instantly access massive amounts of information—books, articles, pictures, videos, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and more—through the amazing little devices we call our “cell phones.” As incredible as it sounds, computers that used to consume thousands of square feet of space can now be held in the palm of your hand and are able to outperform those old machines of yesterday.
In our modern day and age, technology has taken some quantum leaps. An illustration of that, as hard as it is to believe, is the capacity to instantly access massive amounts of information—books, articles, pictures, videos, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and more—through the amazing little devices we call our “cell phones.” As incredible as it sounds, computers that used to consume thousands of square feet of space can now be held in the palm of your hand and are able to outperform those old machines of yesterday.
As Bill and Mike discuss, it appears we haven’t seen anything yet! Artificial Intelligence is a whole other segment of computerization development. The processing of these specific types of computers is just stunning and completely amazing. The technology is now evolving to the point that through wireless signals computer hard-drives can, with certain integrated mechanical components, control all types and kinds of external machines. As a matter of fact, there are now driverless semi-tractor-trailers driving up and down the California coastal interstate highways delivering goods and services to many consumers. Robots are actually being used now in many areas of manufacturing, inventory control, and education, with many more beta sites already in progress or under consideration for experimenting from fast food services to law-enforcement and the military. It’s just astonishing and very hard to believe. It’s like science fiction meeting our reality!
However, as Bill and Mike bring out, with many of these technological advancements there is always a down side—or should we say “dark side”—potential of these high-tech developments that do portend to be problematic and distressing. As they point out in this web-chat, much of these concerns pertain to the competitive demeanor of the Chinese Government and its Communistic approach of supporting the private Chinese entrepreneur with government funds. This “State-Capitalism” is hard to compete with and has indeed proven to be far more cost-effective and faster in its ability to mature the technologies of robotics, satellites, and Artificial Intelligence—China is ahead in this technology.
Take a few minutes out and listen in on Bill and Mike as they take you through some educational information about “Artificial Intelligence” and what it might mean for future prophetic fulfillment, as described in the book of Revelation.
Is Christ Interactive in the Old Testament?
Throughout the traditional Christian community today there is a perspective that promotes the notion that the God of the Old Testament is this very stern-faced Father God and the God of the New Testament is a softer, milder Son, Jesus the Christ. This theological concept is an outgrowth of the idea that the Old Testament has an emphasis on obedience to the law of God, while the New Testament is understood to emphasize forgiveness, mercy, and grace.
But this is fundamentally problematic due to the obvious conflict this concept promotes between the Father’s first-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and Himself. Comparably, this presents an obvious conundrum when specific scriptures clearly state that Christ claimed He and the Father are one, that He came to do the will of the Father, and that without the Father He was powerless because the Father was greater than He. The harmony and perfect agreement between Father and Son are such that Jesus could proclaim, “Believe you not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works” (John 14:10). How can the Father and Son be in such perfect agreement if they are in conflict with each other in matters concerning obedience and mercy? Obviously, this is a contradiction—so something is dreadfully wrong with the notion that the Old and New Testaments are polar opposites.
Another enigma is the fact that Jesus emphatically stated, “No man has seen God at any time...” (John 1:18). And furthermore, Jesus mentions that we “have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape” (John 5:37). How can this be when there are multiple Old Testament scriptures documenting the actual appearance to men like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon, and so many of the prophets down through history? If it wasn’t the Father, then who was it that actually appeared?
In this web-chat session, Wayne and Bill attempt to “unpack” this apparent mystery and wade through a handful of scriptures proving it wasn’t the Father, but instead, was none other than Jesus Christ Himself, in His pre-incarnate form, who appeared to the patriarchs and prophets. Take a moment and listen in as they explore and explain the scriptural proof of this revealing truth!
Are Christians Watchmen?
In this session of Web-Chat, Bill and Adrian discuss the underscoring ethics, morality, and most importantly, accountability that is illustrated in Ezekiel 33 and 34 regarding the Watchman. This discussion is reinforced with Jesus Christ’s gospel proclamations to be a “Watcher.” So take a moment and listen in on Bill and Adrian’s “chat” about what it means to be a “Watchman” and what should be the associated moral sense of responsibility and obligation for today’s Christian.
We are told in the last days dangerous times shall come. The apostle Paul claims men shall be lovers of themselves, lustful, braggers, and proud—blasphemers, rebellious toward their parents, unthankful, and unholy. They will have abnormal and deviant affection, will be liars, false accusers, irrational, angry, and despisers of good things. Additionally, they will be traitors, arrogant, elitist, and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness, but denying the power thereof. This is the world condition that describes the times we are presently living in.
And the operative is, it’s a “dangerous and perilous time” for those of us surrounded by these circumstances. Individuals that are around this evil are affected by it in varying degrees. Sadly, our women and children are in danger and at risk on a daily basis of exploitation, abuse, and being trafficked. Terrorism is still threatening many areas of the world, making innocent civilians vulnerable to harm’s way. And rumors of war are rampant throughout the world. It seems vigilance is the order of the day, regardless of where you live and travel
So, it brings a question to mind and point of consideration for Christians, who are assumed to be living with a standard of morality that cuts across the items mentioned in the first paragraph: To what degree of responsibility should they embrace to personally be alert to these dangerous characteristics and, in addition, to warn others of these perilous conditions and the detriment they could cause to friends, family, and ultimately the nation at large? In other words, do we have a responsibility, as a Christian, to be alert personally and to warn others the “house” is indeed burning?
In this session of Web-Chat, Bill and Adrian discuss the underscoring ethics, morality, and most importantly, accountability that is illustrated in Ezekiel 33 and 34 regarding the Watchman. This discussion is reinforced with Jesus Christ’s gospel proclamations to be a “Watcher.” So take a moment and listen in on Bill and Adrian’s “chat” about what it means to be a “Watchman” and what should be the associated moral sense of responsibility and obligation for today’s Christian.
Can the Church Save?
Bill and Wayne discuss a specific detail concerning a very important question about the church, and in particular, your relationship with the church group, congregation, or organization you meet and fellowship with. And that question is—Can the Church Save You?
We would like to suggest reviewing that two-part Web-chat session in combination with this new Web-chat. It will help you obtain some context. It’s listed on our Website. Here are the links:
What About Baptism?
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss the often misunderstood topic of Baptism.
Baptism is a fundamental ritual that has been associated with the Christian faith since its inception. Beginning with the apostle Peter’s answer to the audience he spoke to on that day of Pentecost described in Acts 2:37–38, baptism has been the answer on how to commence your Christian walk with Jesus Christ.
Yet, there is much controversy surrounding this act of faith. Why do you suppose so much debate exists? What is so hard to understand about what the Scriptures say concerning this illustration of commitment to God and His Son, Jesus Christ?
So many questions have emerged over the centuries about this procedure, from how to do it, to what it actually means. Some believe a baby that can’t even talk can be baptized—many call it a “christening.” Others think it must be done in a river that has flowing water, while others think a lot of pomp and ceremony should be exhibited during the event. And then there are some that think it’s not necessary at all, and you can be a Christian without being baptized! Why so much confusion?
Well, in this session of Web-Chat, Bill and Wayne attempt to discuss this fundamental Christian ritual in hopes to pull back the curtain on some of the reasons why so many questions exist about this basic Christian function and try to clarify some of the details surrounding baptism. Take a moment and listen in on their discussion. We assure you it will be helpful to your understanding about just how important this procedure really is and what part it should play in your Christian lifestyle. After all, keep in mind, even Jesus Christ Himself surrendered to be baptized!
What Is the Unpardonable Sin?
Bill and Wayne address some of the specifics concerning the topic of the "Unpardonable Sin" and the natural concerns we might have and may come up against when considering our personal relationship with God.
There are people today that are haunted by some really bad things they have done in their lifetimes. Many more of us have at least some sense of shame over some of our past actions and activities, such as some of the foolish choices we may have made while growing up. Those of us who come to accept responsibility for these actions and repent of those behaviors, or of a particular lifestyle, holding ourselves accountable for it, can find comfort in knowing there is forgiveness from God, if we will accept Christ as our Savior and change our ways and model our lives after Him.
But what do we do with these verses from Scripture? “For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, of which shall devour the adversaries…. Of how much sorer punishment, suppose you, shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and has done despite unto the Spirit of grace? ...It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:26–31).
Many have asked and wondered if they have committed the unpardonable sin. Some, due to sins they have done over the course of their lives, have worried and obsessed over the notion that God will not forgive them, that they are doomed to damnation. But is this what the above verses mean?
In this Web-Chat session, Bill and Wayne address some of the specifics concerning this question and the natural concerns we might have and may come up against when considering our personal relationship with God. Take a few minutes and share in listening to some of what may be the best news you ever heard.
Reviewing Islam Part 2
Bill Watson and Adrian Davis continue their discussion on Islam.
Bill Watson and Adrian Davis continue their discussion on Islam.
Watch Part 1
Unmasking Christmas
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix attempt to unmask what’s behind Christmas and what God really thinks and says about this kind of religious holiday.
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix attempt to unmask what’s behind Christmas and what God really thinks and says about this kind of religious holiday
What is God's Plan? (Part 2)
In Part 2 of “What is God’s Plan?” Bill and Wayne address this plan in far more detail, specifically identifying the program right from the Bible as to what God is up to and why He has chosen to design it this way.
Some time ago, Wayne and Bill discussed some curious subjects related to the compelling question, Just what is God doing—what is His plan? So much of what we see around us appears to contradict a loving God, His mercy, care, and grace. The enormous amount of deception and evil in the world has led many to believe that if there were a God, surely He would not allow His creation to co-exist with such senseless violence, hate, and malice.
It was establish in the first session that it was fair to say much of this was due to not understanding God’s plan—not knowing what His objective is—and how it applies to the goal He has in mind for humanity. Not knowing this overriding purpose for mankind and how God is steering this agenda is a major contributing factor of so much misunderstanding about God.
In this second session concerning “What is God’s Plan?” Bill and Wayne address this plan in far more detail, specifically identifying the program right from the Bible as to what God is up to and why He has chosen to design it this way. It is an amazing and stunning project God has embarked on, but when understood in the details most of us miss, it becomes much more reasonable and provides the logic necessary to make it possible to embrace God as a loving Father.
Take a moment and listen to this “chat” regarding God’s Plan. We can assure you, it has the potential to help you make sense out of what appears to be a cruel riddle, or an enigma, for so many people today concerning God.
Watch Part 1
Racial Tensions
Many are asking today, Just what is going on in the United States? Racial tensions like this haven’t been seen since the days of the Civil War. It would appear, by the type of rhetoric being used, that an all out “cultural war” is now underway and is beginning to show signs of violence and strategies of anarchy in action. Watch this discussion between Adrian Davis and Bill Watson.
Order the Free CD "Who Is My Brother?" by Adrian Davis
Many are asking today, Just what is going on in the United States? Racial tensions like this haven’t been seen since the days of the Civil War. It would appear, by the type of rhetoric being used, that an all out “cultural war” is now underway and is beginning to show signs of violence and strategies of anarchy in action.
Over the last few months we’ve seen protests erupt in cities across America that have resulted in people damaging property, getting arrested, becoming injured, and even being killed while exercising, what some claim to be, freedom of speech. Seattle, Dallas, Baltimore, and of course Charlottesville and Boston, have all been locations of displays of what seems to be highly suspected and purposeful anarchists working an agenda of destruction and mayhem to delegitimize the “American Idea” of true freedom and liberty. Many are asking, Why is this happening?
Why are the anti-fascists groups who claim they are promoters of peace and harmony coming to these populist protests with their faces covered, armed with weapons, and purposefully intimidating pro-nationalist protesters and law enforcement personnel? There appears to be something else here at work. Some of these “anti-fa” groups are defacing, vandalizing, and even destroying many historical monuments, but uniquely enough not touching Marxist statues, which are just as vulnerable––why do you think that is?
In this session of Web-chat, Bill sits down with Pastor Adrian Davis, from Ontario, Canada, to discuss some of these idiosyncrasies and what appears to be an obvious double standard. In recognizing this, they attempt to put some context into these observations as they explore what appears to be the real target behind all this confusion and violence––and frankly, it’s a very disturbing consideration that does demand one to take heed regarding this siege to delegitimize the “Idea of America.”
What is God's Plan?
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss "What is God's Plan?"
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss "What is God's Plan?"
Is the United States the End Time Beast?
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss the United States in Biblical prophecy.
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss the United States in Biblical prophecy.
Is Globalism on the Ropes?
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss globalism versus nationalism in relation to Bible prophecy.
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss globalism versus nationalism in relation to Bible prophecy.
The Doom and Gloom Gospel Part 2
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss the importance of Bible prophecy.
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss the importance of Bible prophecy.
Reviewing Islam
Bill Watson and Adrian Davis discuss the ideology of Islam from a Christian perspective.
Post Election Discussion
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss the recent election in the United States.
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss the recent election in the United States.
Christian Living in the 21st Century
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss Christian living in the 21st century.
Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss Christian living in the 21st century.