The Church of God International

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Are Christians Watchmen?

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We are told in the last days dangerous times shall come. The apostle Paul claims men shall be lovers of themselves, lustful, braggers, and proud—blasphemers, rebellious toward their parents, unthankful, and unholy. They will have abnormal and deviant affection, will be liars, false accusers, irrational, angry, and despisers of good things. Additionally, they will be traitors, arrogant, elitist, and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness, but denying the power thereof. This is the world condition that describes the times we are presently living in.

And the operative is, it’s a “dangerous and perilous time” for those of us surrounded by these circumstances. Individuals that are around this evil are affected by it in varying degrees. Sadly, our women and children are in danger and at risk on a daily basis of exploitation, abuse, and being trafficked. Terrorism is still threatening many areas of the world, making innocent civilians vulnerable to harm’s way. And rumors of war are rampant throughout the world. It seems vigilance is the order of the day, regardless of where you live and travel

So, it brings a question to mind and point of consideration for Christians, who are assumed to be living with a standard of morality that cuts across the items mentioned in the first paragraph: To what degree of responsibility should they embrace to personally be alert to these dangerous characteristics and, in addition, to warn others of these perilous conditions and the detriment they could cause to friends, family, and ultimately the nation at large? In other words, do we have a responsibility, as a Christian, to be alert personally and to warn others the “house” is indeed burning?

In this session of Web-Chat, Bill and Adrian discuss the underscoring ethics, morality, and most importantly, accountability that is illustrated in Ezekiel 33 and 34 regarding the Watchman. This discussion is reinforced with Jesus Christ’s gospel proclamations to be a “Watcher.” So take a moment and listen in on Bill and Adrian’s “chat” about what it means to be a “Watchman” and what should be the associated moral sense of responsibility and obligation for today’s Christian.