The Church of God International

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Revelation 12 Sign Fulfilled?

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Apparently, the “prophecy prognosticators” are back in the limelight. They are claiming the “Revelation 12 Sign” is a clear indication we are coming up on the alleged biblical rapture that so many modern-day Christian evangelicals are expecting—but is this a realistic expectation?

Is the coming solar eclipse on August 21 really a harbinger of the coming rapture? And is the planet alignment that will take place on September 23 really a fulfillment of Revelation 12:1–2? There is quite a bit of chatter about these natural events from some major news outlets, like the Washington Post, Boston Globe, and Catholic Astronomer—sources seen by some as support for their prophetic prognostications.

In this presentation of Biblical News Updates and Commentary, Bill takes issue with the approach of these positions and appeals for caution, urging all to be guarded against the hyperbole of those promoting these highly speculative views, for we owe it to ourselves not to be “tossed to a fro by every wind of doctrine”—especially when the information is not biblically based!

Take a few minutes and listen to a much more balanced alternative view of consideration about these events, but at the same time keeping in mind that we need to be vigilant in these very dangerous times, not underestimating the jeopardy and peril we face.