The Church of God International

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What is the Kingdom of God?

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All over the world today, Christians think that the Kingdom of God is in Heaven, and that upon our death we will be awarded entrance into that Kingdom of God, which is taught to be located in Heaven, to enjoy eternal life as a disembodied spirit, forever in the presences of God. Catholics call it the beatific vision—experiencing celestial joy for all eternity. But is this true?

Can we prove from the pages of our Bible that the Kingdom of God is indeed in Heaven? Which passage of Scripture describes Heaven as the location, or what scriptural texts explain this to be true? Clearly, most of the present modern-day traditional Christian denominations teach and promote that when you die, you will go into God’s Kingdom, which they think is located in Heaven.

Additionally, there are New Age Christian denominations that will advance the idea that since Christ mentioned the Kingdom of God as being “within you,” this somehow gives credence to thinking the Kingdom of God is ethereal—it’s somehow inside you and you’re already there.

The surprising and astonishing realization about all this is when compared to what the Bible actually teaches, it becomes stunningly obvious that the words from your Bible describe a totally different concept about just what is the Kingdom of God. Surprisingly, when studying the Scriptures for what they say, this Kingdom of God, fundamentally, isn’t much different from what we understand kingdoms to be today. They consist of territory, laws, people, and a king. And God’s Kingdom includes all of that, too!

Take a moment to listen to what Bill has to say on this subject, and follow him through the Scriptures as he allows the Bible to explain itself for our understanding and clarity. You’ll be surprised how simply plain God’s Word is on this subject and what an important role Jesus Christ plays, as well as those Christians who will share in serving God as immortals in this Kingdom; and—if that’s not enough—to let the Bible explain just where this Kingdom will be located. You will be stunned beyond belief to know, it’s not going to be located in heaven.

Take a moment and let Bill share this enriched truth about what God’s Word really teaches on this subject!