The Church of God International

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If We Are The Body

by Brandy Webb

One major point I want to get out first before I discuss unity in God’s ecclesia, is that I am not advocating one super mega 501c3 organization. I actually like the fact that groups are smaller, and there is a lot more diversity. In fact, diversity makes us more like a body.

A human body has “many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Romans 12:4-5). When I think of us as the body of Christ, many different images come to mind. (I do hope the following analogy will not seem too elementary.)

Okay, here is the image I see. God the Father is the head, and should always be the head, for even Christ could do nothing without the Father’s permission (John 5:19; 8:28; 12:49-50). Then, I vision the Messiah as the eyes and mouth, since He is the light and the word of God (John 8:12;1:1). Lastly, the Holy Spirit is the blood flow within the body giving power to all the members.

I know that may seem cheesy, but when I visualize something metaphorically in a physical way, it seems to make more sense. So, with this as the foundation, where does it leave us? Well, we are the body parts: the toes, fingers, arms, legs, feet, hands, etc… Therefore, if we are constantly in discord, how can we move forward on the straight and narrow path?

In my opinion, if we are to make up the body, then it does not matter where you attend, as long as the Father is the head, the Messiah is your eyes and mouthpiece, and your power from within is coming from the Holy Spirit while living a life of love. If we are the body, then we are to walk in humility, gentleness, patience, “bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:2-3).

Diversity is fine, because we all are given certain talents, and your talent may be best used in one group while a good friend’s talent is better used in another group. We are not all the same, and we are not called to do the same job. Just like your fingers cannot be your toes, and your toescannot be your fingers, each has its own job. If they were to switch, it would make life a lot more difficult. Therefore, if we are one body in Christ, we have to work together in unity and love.