Modern Miracles

by Lisa McComb

It’s the Sabbath in the Feast of Tabernacles 2015. As I sit here on the beautiful emerald coast, I am amazed at seeing a modern-day miracle. With this particular miracle, I can’t help but think of 1 Corinthians 12:10, where Paul is describing spiritual gifts: “to another the working of miracles…”

I was watching some of the effects of a powerful storm that hit the East Coast of the US. What a disaster! This is no doubt hurricane season. As of Thursday, there is another hurricane following, and this one is a category 3. It is headed for Cuba and Jamaica. So I keep watch on this storm by using the modern-day storm trackers. This is where I notice the miracle. This storm begins to take a “180” and about-faces just as it becomes a category 4 hurricane. What power turns a gale force like that on a dime? Of course it is our mighty God, showing mercy to those who are in prayer and in obeisance to His will.

I have only had a glimpse of the CGI church in Toronto, Ontario, but the glimpse I was given has lasted me for years and years, and probably will impact me until I die. The Toronto church has that spine-tingling, arm-hair-raising effect the moment you walk in the door. If you have been there, you know that George Ramocan is a very Spirit-filled leader. He is on fire with the message of our Lord! I was so moved by his presentation that I was wondering why I have been so lukewarm over the years and how can I achieve this fire? Yes, after much self-examination, I realized I needed a spiritual makeover.

But, what you may not know about Mr. Ramocan is the fact that he was Jamaica’s Consul General to Toronto before he began working for the church full time. He is Jamaican, and he and several of his parishioners trek to Jamaica every year for the Feast of Tabernacles. It has been a dream of mine to attend the Feast in Jamaica, ever since I visited the Toronto area and experienced the spiritual fire!

If you are putting two and two together, I do believe that with much spiritual fire and deep belief, you can move mountains, or, in this case, hurricanes!! I have no doubt that the pure faith and fire of this group of believers had something to do with the miraculous turning of this storm. Their constant faith in God has me believing that if we too open up to the fire of the Holy Spirit inside ourselves, we can be responsible for some modern miracles, too! Use your own Feast of Tabernacles experiences to jump start your inner Holy Spirit and faith!

Lisa McComb is a member of CGI, Tyler, TX.


Thy Kingdom Come


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