On Being Right

By Lenny Cacchio

Let’s admit that politicians flip flop, and they often do it because of the expediency of the moment.  But these people are people just like we are and therefore subject to human weaknesses.  We can say we expect better from our duly elected officials, but we have what we have and often we have the leadership we deserve.

At the same time, what looks like a flip flop might not be a flip flop.  Sir Winston Churchill, who many would say was more statesman than politician, began his political career as a Tory, switched to the Liberal Party, and then between the two world wars flip flopped back to the Tories.

Ronald Reagan as governor of California signed pro-choice legislation into law, but after consideration became a strong advocate for pro-life.  George H. W. Bush took the same path in spite of wife Barbara’s still pro-choice position.  Said Barbara, “With George, it’s a religious question.”

Even Benjamin Franklin initially favored the Crown over the Continentals, but as history unfolded before him, he took the patriot’s position, pledging his life and sacred honor to the cause.

Change is the essence of life, including the Christian way of life.  When confronted with the evidence of God’s existence and interest in the affairs of mankind, we come to belief.  When convicted of our culpability, we become motivated to change our lives.  That happened to Paul on the road to Damascus, to the Eleven in the Upper Room, and to the three thousand on Pentecost.  And it happens every day in profound and startling ways, so profound that some people refer to it as a born again experience.

Yes, the essence of becoming a Christian is to flip flop.

But here’s the difference.  We don’t flip flop to pander, as is the habit in the world of politics.  We flip flop because it is the right thing to do.  Once I was lost, but now I am found.  I was wrong, but accepted the right.  I repented of my faulty words and actions and became a new creature in Christ.  The facts change, so I change.  What else can I do?

Legend has it that someone once confronted Churchill about his vaults back and forth between political parties.  Wasn’t he being inconsistent?  Churchill is said to have answered, “I would rather be right than consistent.”  I would like to be both, but will sacrifice the latter if I must.


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