Is The Altar of the Third Temple Now Complete?

Many end-time Christian prophecy watchers are fascinated by this news and intrigued by what has recently been announced by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, Israel. They have recently declared they have completed construction of a Temple altar suitable for conducting sacrifices according to Israel's Sacrificial System and Temple procedures––many are stunned by this most ambitious project that allegedly defines another closer step toward the building of a third Temple. 

Carl Gallups, a Baptist minister claims this is a huge step toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Mark Biltz, author of Blood Moons, heralds it as a significant prophetic announcement. Jonathon Cahn, author of the Harbinger, proclaims the altar is central to the abomination of desolation––but is it? Are these proclamations something to be concerned about? Are we entering into the time when the third Temple will be built, affirming the return of Jesus Christ the Messiah? Watch our most recent Biblical News Update as we attempt to answer these questions.

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Needed: A Rational Approach to Bible Prophecy ( View as PDF ) ( EPUB )
Many have made the mistake of setting dates for the Second Coming of Christ, and the results have never been positive. Yet, failed predictions have not deterred the date-setters.


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