What If?

by Brandy Webb


What if this happens, what will I do?  Does your mind ever play out possible future scenarios?  Usually, at least for me, when I let my mind wonder about the future, it isn’t positive hypothetical scenarios.  It is usually scary scenarios of “what if” this happens or that happens, how will “I,” get through it.  

Have you ever heard the saying, well, “things are going great, I just wonder when the other shoe is going to drop”?  Why are we like this?  Why do most of us look around waiting for the “other shoe to drop” instead of enjoying today?  Why are we caught up worrying about the future?  Aren’t we supposed to walk in faith?  

We are supposed to live in today, this present moment.  We have no idea what tomorrow will bring.  Today has enough trouble to worry about, don’t add to it hypothetical future worries (Matt 6:34).  We are supposed to have this attitude, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psa 23:4 emphasis mine).

This worrying about the “what ifs” of the future is another distraction to keep us from living a life devoted to seeking “first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matt 6:33).   God didn’t give us a “spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound judgment” (2 Tim 1:7).

When we go about our day, we should be living lives of faith and love.  Our minds should be in a state of peace because we trust in God (Isa 26:3), and we believe He is in control.  The “what if” thinking is another invisible idol that discourages us and makes us wallow in fear and anxiety.  You know who wants us to be discouraged.  You know who loves to give us the “spirit of fear.”  It is the god of this world, Satan himself.  He doesn’t want us to live a life of faith.  He wants us to worry about tomorrow.  He wants us to think negative thoughts because that is how he can keep us from trusting in our Father and Messiah.  

We don’t fight against things we see.  We fight against “the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12).  This is why we need to put on the Armor of God everyday as soon as we wake up because our God is way bigger than Satan.  He has given us  His Spirit that can give us the strength to defend ourselves from the devil’s schemes, and the shield of faith, extinguishes his evil fiery arrows (Eph 6:10-17).

Therefore, when the “what if” arrows start shooting in your mind, rebuke them.  Pray for God to extinguish them.  Give all your fears to God because “He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall” (Psa 55:22).  Remember, our minds usually make scenarios that are far worse than what we go through.  Worrying about the future will keep you from living in the present.  It will squash joy and destroy you from the inside out.  We have to put our faith in God, and we have to believe His truth, His word.  No matter what happens, He is in control.  He will help us along the road of life if we let Him.  So, let us hold fast to Him and fear not for He is with us (Isa 41:10).  He will strengthen us (Isa 41:10).  He is the one who holds our right hand and says “’Fear not I am the one who helps you’”(41:13).


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