Connecting History and the Bible - One World Government


So many readers of Bible prophecy warn us that some day there will be an evil, one-world government.  They like to point to past evil empires such as Nazi German, Napoleonic France, Rome, Greece, Babylon, and Assyria.  But it’s important to note that none of these previous governments were truly worldwide.  They may have controlled what was considered the totality of known civilization, but they certainly didn’t control places like China or the Americas.     But there was a time when humanity (for all practical purposes) did have a one-world government …and it’s probably not what you think.  This situation was closer to being a one-world government than any other in human history.    I’m Wes White from  Let’s go to Saunton VA.

I’m standing in front of the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library in Saunton VA.  It houses thousands of documents from President Wilson’s administration.  President Wilson served during WWI.  After the war was won by the Allies (America, Britain, and France), the leaders of these three victorious states held a peace conference in Paris, France.  

According to historian Margaret MacMillan, “For six months in 1919, Paris was the capital of the world.”   During those six months, “Paris was at once the world’s government, its court of appeal, and its parliament” as these three men “…created new countries” all over the globe.  MacMillon says that the world had never seen anything like it before and never will again.

Most of the decisions in this conference were made by the victors during the six-month period from January thru June of 1919-- American President Wilson, British Prime Minister George, and French President Clemenceau.  And these decisions were far-reaching.  They were worldwide.   They touched on every continent of the world—something that no previous world power had ever done.

You see, it was these men who redrew national boundaries all over the planet.  They created brand new nations.  In the Middle East they created Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.  They created these states artificially without regard to natural boundaries or religion.  As a result of these misguided attempts at creating a new world order, the world has endured endless fighting in the Middle East.  It seems it’s worse today than ever before.  These three men also re-drew the national boundaries in Europe and Africa as they divvied out the spoils of war in an effort to bring long lasting peace to the world.

But this world government in Paris in 1919 didn’t last long.  A lot of it started unraveling immediately …and it has been unraveling ever since.  Again, we’re seeing some of it unravel today with the problems of Iraq and Aphghanistan.  This effort was not of God and so it was doomed to failure from the beginning.  This six month world government in Paris was so bad that its work was responsible for causing WWII which took place no long after.

Being concerned about some future man-made world government may be important as long as we understand that any such government isn’t going to last long.  The world government that we really need to be concerned about.. is the one that will be set up at the return of Jesus Christ.  

That’s the one that counts.  That’s the world government that’s going to replace every single government on the face of the earth today—no exceptions.  Jesus’ government is going to do what Wilson, George, and Clemenceau failed to do.  This government is going to bring eternal peace to this troubled world.

If you’d like more information on this exciting event, contact us  We’d love to share information with you about the one-world government that will usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth.  Everything we provide is free.  No charge.  We’ll see you next time on Connecting History and the Bible. 



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