The Church of God International

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Reviewing Abortion

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As many of us know, 43 years ago, here in the United States, abortion became nationally legal in January of 1973 by the ruling of the United States Supreme Court, regardless of no legislation sponsored by the people via Congress. Underscoring this ruling was Justice Blackmun's claim, "…we cannot determine when life begins." Since this ruling was legalized over 53 million babies have been “extracted” and/or "vacuumed"  from the wombs of women in the USA, of which 86% have it done for convenience (birth control) and 45% of these women are repeated clients. Less than a combined 3% are conducted due to incest, rape, or life threatening circumstances to the mother.

Since the inception of this very brutal birth-control process an industry of selling body parts has grown out of the creative medical minds that are running much of this industry––and don’t kid yourself––abortion is an industry! Planned Parenthood receives over $525,000,000 of government subsidies, while providing over 400,000 abortions/year, with some taxpayer money being used for this service. In 2014, Planned Parenthood topped 1.2 Billion dollars in total Revenue. Admittedly, not all of this revenue was generated by "baby extracts,” but now is clearly subsidizes by an "appendage business unit" of selling baby parts like livers, bladders, kidney’s, and spleens––how disgusting!

Christians need to be made plainly aware of this most heinous crime against humanity because that’s exactly what it is––a crime against humanity! Sadly, the legacy of such cultures who look at human life with such worthlessness can expect a visitation from God at some point. Don’t think for a minute that those who sacrificed their children on the alters of pagan gods are not unlike those who sacrifice their children on the altars of abortion––and God held those accountable for those atrocities. We encourage you to take a few moments to watch ”Reviewing Abortion" with Bill Watson as he reiterates why there is good reason to discard this macabre procedure from the United States' culture.

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