The Church of God International

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All You Need Is Love

by Jeremy Brown

As the Beatles song said, “All you need is love!” We sing great songs about it and make lots of movies about it, yet it seems like something mankind will never truly grasp. We can look all around us and see the growing coldness in man’s heart. Christianity is the religion of “LOVE,” but many have done evil in the name of Christianity. We even have organized groups and churches that spread hate, yet they are listed as Christian organizations. How can this be?!

The Bible states that all the laws of God are bound under these two: (1) love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and (2) love thy neighbor (Luke 10:27). God is saying if we can’t love Him and our neighbor, who cares how many Sabbaths/holy days you’ve observed! Love of God and your neighbor must be combined with the observance of His laws or it’s all being done in vain. Just take a short glimpse at the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments tell us how to show God we love Him, and the last six commandments tell us how to love our neighbors (Exodus 20:3-17). How can someone claim to be a Christian and spread hate at the same time? As we see from God Himself, it isn’t possible to hate thy neighbor and still claim to love Him (1 John 4:20).

We have to remember God created ALL of mankind in His image, and loving thy neighbor is commanded by God (Genesis 1:27). This is a matter of the heart that we must all come to grasp with and ask God to not only change our hearts, but change the world’s heart. Man has been battling this issue for centuries and the reason mankind hasn’t accomplished true love is simple; we like to do things our way. We need to add the true God from our Bible to combat this disease that has been plaguing society for centuries! As the Beatles say, “All you need is love!” Are we going to give the love that God commands us to give to one another?!

All we need is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE….