
by Brandy Webb

Last month, CGI hosted a women’s retreat at beautiful Lake Texoma, Texas, which was organized by Lisa McComb. We were aware of the fact that the Coronavirus is/was still around. Therefore, we were diligent in washing hands and making sure things were clean. Thankfully, I can report that none of us who attended contracted the virus.


Well, enough about the virus. I have to say the retreat was a very welcome escape from everyday life, a time to fellowship, reflect, learn, and relax, a time to catch up with old friends, and a time to make new ones. I was blessed to be able to go with my mom and my daughter. Three generations of curly haired women getting to enjoy a retreat together. It was great to be able to spend time together, and to see our different perspectives after the activities. Thankfully, we were put in different groups, so we could expound on different ideas and things that we learned that day. There were other mother/daughter combos there, also, and as far as I could tell they were having a great time, too. 

I am realizing that despite the times we are in, we should make a point to take a break. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time being still. In fact, one of the activities was just that—being still. We had to close our eyes and just be still for, I think, around 10 minutes. I had a hard time being still that long. I am the type of person that cleans the kitchen while we are watching a movie as a family because I can’t seem to sit in a chair for a long period of time. In fact, sometimes when I write a blog, I have to take a break and walk around. However, the truth is, being constantly busy is not healthy, and it can detract from making sure God is priority number one. There is a Psalm that makes an extremely important point. In Psalm 46, the psalmist starts off pointing out that “God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1). He teaches us to not be afraid despite what is going on in the world and points out how powerful our God is. In the climax the psalmist quotes God, who tell us:

“Be still and know that I am God; 

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted over the earth.” – Psalms 46:10

We are to be still and pay attention to God. I know that the Scriptures say that we are to work six days of the week and rest on the seventh, but work and busyness are not the same things. Plus, we should still make sure that every day, no matter if it is a work day or the Sabbath, to take the time to be still and spend time with God. 

The truth is, our adversary wants us to be busy, distracted, stressed, tired, overwhelmed, etc., because these things distract us from spending time with our Creator. These time-consuming leeches also steal our joy. This retreat pretty much put a mirror in my face to make me realize that I have not been putting God first, trusting Him in all things, waiting patiently for His answers, asking Him what His will for my life is, and just enjoying quiet time with Him. Christ died so that we could have a direct line to our Father through Him. I need to be more diligent in not neglecting that sacrifice by being busy. The best way to combat what this world throws at us and to resist the devil is to be still and know God. 

The Lord of Hosts is with us; 

the God of Jacob is our fortress. – Psalms 46:11


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