Connecting History and the Bible - Religious Counterfeits
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Connecting History and the Bible - Religious Counterfeits

What’s with this thing called counterfeits?  It’s not just counterfeit MONEY that we need to be concerned about when it comes to counterfeiting.  We also have to be concerned about counterfeit documents, counterfeit clothes, counterfeit software, and counterfeit … Rosetta Stone.  That’s right.  Rosetta Stone—that program for learning a foreign language.  I recently read that about 25% of all on line purchases of Rosetta Stone are counterfeits.   All these things are physical counterfeits.

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Happy Thanksgiving!
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Happy Thanksgiving!

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psa 118:24).

Thanksgiving is right around the corner for America, and I thought it would be a good thing to write about being thankful. I know that not everyone who reads my blog celebrates Thanksgiving, but that shouldn’t stop us from being thankful anyway.

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Tell The Story
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Tell The Story

The book of Acts is loaded with sermons to the unconverted. What is so striking about them is how they differ from much of what passes for preaching these days. Look at Peter’s discourse in Acts 2 and again in Acts 3. Read Stephen’s defense in Acts 8, and Paul’s very similar sermon in the synagogue in Acts 13. They all have in common a simple relating of history and the story of Jesus.  There were no rhetorical flourishes. They did not nitpick points of doctrine. The simple story of Jesus, his resurrection, and his gospel were all that were needed to convert thousands.

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Growth and Maturity
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Growth and Maturity

I grew up in the Church of God, and I remember how, as a child, I looked up to the ministers. I felt that they had some sort of super power. I still do admire those that are called to be ministers, but I now realize that they are human and have the same “power” within them as I do, the Holy Spirit.

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He Wouldn’t Reach Back
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

He Wouldn’t Reach Back

He was wrapped in an enigma, and so he is now.  For thousands of years theologians have puzzled over how Judas could betray his friend and teacher for the price of a slave.  The depth of evil is thankfully unfathomable to most of us, and the why’s and wherefore’s of Judas’ betrayal we may never understand, but think of the length to which Jesus went to save Judas from himself.  Time and again Jesus both encouraged and warned Judas.

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Prayer For Our Leaders
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Prayer For Our Leaders

Now, that midterm elections are over, we as Christians should remember an important point regardless of who is in office:

    I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks, be made for all men: for kings and all who are in high places; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:1-4).

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If God Is So Smart Why Did He Bother With Us?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

If God Is So Smart Why Did He Bother With Us?

Think about this. If God knew that the human race would be so much trouble, why did he even bother? We’re a cantankerous lot who can’t seem to get along. We argue, fight, and steal. We form cliques and gangs, manipulate each other, and even war against each other.

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Love Your Enemies
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Love Your Enemies

Midterm elections have started, and it sparked an idea for this blog. No, this is not a political blog, and I am not going to talk about elections. The thing that I was thinking about is how much hate comes out during elections. It isn’t as bad during midterm elections, but it is bad enough. And, a thought came into my mind, if people just showed love to their enemies the world would be a much more beautiful place.

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Understanding The Circumstances
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Understanding The Circumstances

Scriptures say what they say, and sometimes it’s hard to understand why.  There was a time in Egypt when a couple of Israelite women told very deliberate lies and were honored for it.  They were so honored for this that the Bible preserves their names, Shiphrah and Puah, for every generation since.

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Empty on the Inside
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Empty on the Inside

I don’t want to be the Christian that is just a seat-warmer at services. I don’t want to be a surface Christian—the type who knows how to walk the walk and talk the talk but is empty on the inside. In other words, faith and true belief are not really deep in the soul.

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Asking God to Change His Mind
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Asking God to Change His Mind

Have you ever wished you could get God to change his mind?  It can be done, even if it’s something major.  Moses was able to do it, and he did it twice: once shortly after leaving Egypt and again as they were on the brink of the Promised Land.

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Why Did Jesus Spit?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Why Did Jesus Spit?

Jesus healed the sick. Sometimes he would pray for them. Sometimes he would heal them with words. Sometimes he would lay hands on them. He even, at least one time, healed from afar.

And there were three times when he healed with his saliva. (Mark 7:31-33, Mark 8:22-23, John 9:11). Why did Jesus use such an odd medical procedure?

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Jeff Reed Jeff Reed


The Day of Atonement is upon us, and for many, it isn’t the favorite of God’s High Days.  For some crazy reason though, I always look forward to it.  It is not because I really love to fast.  It is also not because fasting is easy for me.  It is just something about the fact that it seems like I am renewed on the Day of Atonement.  I really feel the “At-One-Ment.”

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Stop Signs and Traffic Lights
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Stop Signs and Traffic Lights

One evening I went through an intersection near home and right there was a police car, lights flashing right at me. I pulled into a nearby parking lot where several others were waiting with me for their respective turns with the city's finest. 


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Forgive Yourself
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Forgive Yourself

I was thinking the other day about the scripture that states that if we do not forgive, we can’t be forgiven. It is found in Matthew 6:14. Well, it struck me that this can be applied to whether or not we forgive ourselves.

I find it easier to forgive others than to forgive myself, and I realized that by not forgiving myself, maybe I have kept the Father from forgiving me also. I may be stretching this scripture in Matthew, but the Messiah is pretty bold; He says if you “forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matt 6:14)

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Jacob’s Two Prayers
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Jacob’s Two Prayers

Our God is a patient sort, and that goes for our prayer lives too.  As Paul once wrote, “The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”  (Rom 8:26-27 NKJV)  That’s like saying God sees our hearts even if our tongues don’t say it right.

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Fear Not
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Fear Not

Fear: a state of overwhelming anxiety that zaps all signs of hope and faith away, making one to feel panicked. That’s my definition. It is a mind-tingling sensation that destroys all my rational thought, and heightens my emotional state.


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Connecting History and The Bible - The Census Controversy
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Connecting History and The Bible - The Census Controversy

For hundreds of years, people have been saying that the story of the census in the Gospel of Luke was a fable. But all that changed in 1947 when Luke's account of the birth of Jesus was verified by a publication from the University of Chicago.

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Four Curious Examples
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Four Curious Examples

God doesn’t always speak through his prophets. There are at least four instances in the New Testament where God’s message is made known through what we might think of as surprising sources.

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How To Handle A Bully
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

How To Handle A Bully

Bullying is in the news nearly every day. It is a problem our schools are trying hard to deal with, and access to the Internet has simply provided an additional outlet for this behavior. It is a multi-layered issue that must be addressed on every level.

I cannot tell you what to do about “bullies” at your child’s school, but I can tell you a lesson I recently learned from my grandson about dealing with bullies.

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