Old School Summer Camp 2016
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Old School Summer Camp 2016

CGI has decided to have summer camp this year!  We are going to co-sponsor it with Christian Educational Ministries.  Camp will be held at the Timberline Baptist Camp in Lindale, Texas.    If you have children or grandchildren or friends who might want to go to our camp, please email Jeff Reed or Wes White.  The email address is info@cgi.org.  The maximum age for camp this year is 15 years old.  

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Beyond Spring Cleaning
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Beyond Spring Cleaning

It is that time of the year again where we have cleaned our houses and de-leavened them, and now spend seven days eating unleavened bread. I remember when I was a child my mom pointing out that it was nice to have Unleavened Bread at the beginning of Spring because it came right on time for spring cleaning. However, the Feast of Unleavened Bread is much more than just cleaning our houses and vehicles. Yes, it is nice when I open the fridge and it is clean, looking like it is new again, and I do enjoy driving in a clean car. Yet, the physical de-leavening is to encourage us to de-leaven spiritually.

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What are we so afraid of?
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

What are we so afraid of?

Fear is a powerful tool that Satan likes to use against us, and here lately I keep hearing a lot of fear. Fear over who is going to get elected, fear of the economy, fear of China, fear of Russia, fear of North Korea, and the biggest fear, that we are getting closer to the end of the world. Now, as Christians, why are we so afraid of the end of the world? Why do we get fearful when we look at the world around us and we start thinking that the time is near for Armageddon? Aren’t we supposed to be praying for God’s kingdom to come (Matt 6:10)?

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Women’s Conference 2016
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Women’s Conference 2016

This past weekend, I was blessed to participate in the New Church Lady Women’s Conference sponsored by Church of God International, Christian Educational Ministries, and other local ministries. It was an awesome uplifting experience. There were some tears, laughter, praise, great teachings, and wonderful ladies. I am so glad that my daughter and I got to participate.

For me, one lesson that I learned during the conference is how we need to strive to walk in the ways of Christ using the talents given to us by the Holy Spirit to spread God’s light into the world even if you don’t become popular for it.

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Keep Running
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Keep Running


My last couple blogs have been about faith, and I realized that, with faith, we must also have perseverance. Don’t give up even if it seems like Jesus is slow at returning. Don’t give up running the race of righteousness. This race is not a sprint but a very long marathon, and one of these days there will be a finish line.

Thankfully, we can look at our Bibles, and get comfort from the many that have lived before us, like Abraham, Joseph, Moses, the apostles, Paul, and many others. 

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Believing Faith
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Believing Faith

Believing in God the Father and Jesus is easy for me to do. I grew up believing in their existence, but having complete faith and not worrying about things is not as easy, especially when my children are the ones suffering. I can’t stand it when my children suffer, and I’m sure I’m not the only parent that feels that way. In fact, it makes me feel so helpless. It also isn’t easy when prayers don’t get the response that I had hoped for. These situations are what really try my faith. I can empathize with the father in Mark 9:24 that proclaims to Jesus “‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”’

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How to Walk on Water During a Storm
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

How to Walk on Water During a Storm

I don’t really have the all-knowing answer to the title. In fact, I’ve been praying and asking God to give me wisdom on how to “walk on water during a storm.” Recently, some tragedies have occurred to people close to me, and it is because of them that I started asking God this question. I’m still searching and seeking, but I want to share some insight that I have had while thinking and studying about this.

Let me first point out that I’m not a Bible scholar. I’m okay if you don’t agree with my thoughts and opinions. I’m just sharing some ideas that came to me while studying.

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What’s Missing in Today’s Leadership?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

What’s Missing in Today’s Leadership?

Many of us today look around and can’t figure out what’s wrong with today’s leaders! It’s not that our leadership positions are vacant, but those serving in those roles are lacking something special. Our leaders today are lacking one of the most fundamental parts of being a leader, servitude! Today’s leaders have forgotten that the first job of a leader is to serve, whether you’re a leader in the church or in a government role. Too many times we see people flock to leadership roles to fulfill their selfish desires, forgetting God’s flock and, at times, purposely misleading them. We seem to forget that the Creator of this world said He came not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45). So what makes men think we don’t have to serve each other if our Creator came back to serve us?

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Jeff Reed Jeff Reed


I believe we all desire to have talents. Who doesn’t want to be talented in something? I know I do. Well, there are many godly talents that we all should have. My past few blogs actually covered some godly talents. But there is one that is the most vital, the most important, talent of love. 

God is love (1 John 4:8), and God is light (1 John 1:5). And if A = B and B = C, then A = C, therefore, Love is light. We are to walk in light and not in darkness. Therefore, we are to walk in love in order to light our path. There are so many scriptures regarding love, and I know we all realize that love is the greatest commandment, to love our God with all our heart and to love each other.

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 FEAST OF TABERNACLES 2016 Pinellas Park, in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

FEAST OF TABERNACLES 2016 Pinellas Park, in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida

We are very pleased to announce that the Pinellias Park Performing Arts Center, at 5851 Park Blvd, in Pinellias Park, will again be the location of eight days of services dedicated to praising God and enjoying the education and fellowship opportunities with God's people that comes with observing the Feast of Tabernacles during the days of October 17–24 this year. 

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Give Unto Others
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Give Unto Others

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). In the past, when I thought about giving, I always thought financial giving, like tithes and offerings. Yet, I am now realizing that there are far more ways to give that can be even more beneficial to the receiver than money. It is easy to just give money if you have some to spare. However, there are a lot of us that don’t have the finances to have extra spare change lying around to give away. Therefore, we must find other ways to give.

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Connecting History and Bible - When Is It Permissible to Kill Another Person?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Connecting History and Bible - When Is It Permissible to Kill Another Person?

Gallows, electric chairs, firing squads, gas chambers, and lethal injection rooms!  Should Christians reject or embrace these instruments of execution.  And…is it wrong to execute a duly convicted criminal?    After all, the 6th commandment clearly says we are not to kill.  What’s the biblical approach to capital punishment?

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Teach the Children
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Teach the Children

I hear people complaining a lot about how crazy our world is becoming, and how much they worry about what it will be like for the next generation. Well, how about instead of complaining, we take action. We can combat against the sin of this world by teaching the next generation how to conduct themselves, good character traits, how to treat others, to love God, that the world doesn’t revolve around them, and that they are not entitled to anything. It is our job to teach them, not society’s job. 

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Questions about Valentines Day
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Questions about Valentines Day

Have you ever heard that nothing says “I love you” like candy and flowers and hearts on Valentine’s Day?  Is this true?  I mean, what’s with this February 14 romantic holiday where every year people spend millions of dollars trying to show love for each other?

One of the most confusing parts of Valentine’s Day is that it was named after a supposed saint named Valentine who we think lived in the third century.  Yet, the main symbol of Valentine’s Day is Cupid, the adorable little pagan god of love.

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Build Each Other Up
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Build Each Other Up

You know, I dislike election years. It is so discouraging seeing politicians going after each other. It is like watching a really bad reality TV show. There is so much unwholesome talk that is meant to bring others down that it just annoys me, and I realize it is annoying because it is unloving and unrighteous. 

We as Christians should strive to be different than the rest of the world, and one characteristic that can set us apart, is becoming an encourager to others.

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Open Door Policy
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Open Door Policy

My last blog was about serving, and I realized one way to serve others is to be hospitable. Hospitable people are open to receiving people into their homes and lives. I think of them as the people that everyone likes to go and visit. They make you feel welcome and special. You feel at “home” in their homes. It is a beautiful talent to have, and I believe that we all should make an effort to learn how to be hospitable instead of relying on a few to do it for us. In fact, Paul makes hospitality a job requirement for overseers in the Ecclesia (1 Tim 3:2). He also tells all of us to “practice hospitality” (Rom 12:13b).

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Reviewing Abortion
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Reviewing Abortion

As many of us know, 43 years ago, here in the United States, abortion became nationally legal in January of 1973 by the ruling of the United States Supreme Court, regardless of no legislation sponsored by the people via Congress. Underscoring this ruling was Justice Blackmun's claim, "…we cannot determine when life begins." Since this ruling was legalized over 53 million babies have been “extracted” and/or "vacuumed"  from the wombs of women in the USA, of which 86% have it done for convenience (birth control) and 45% of these women are repeated clients.

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Being a Servant
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Being a Servant

We live in a selfish world. It is not a new thing, for Christ warned His disciples of it when ten of them became jealous and angry over James and John asking to sit beside Him in the Kingdom. Jesus warns them “that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant…For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others…” (Matt 20:25-26, 28, NLT, emphasis mine).

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New Years “Revolution” – Smile More
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

New Years “Revolution” – Smile More

So, it is now 2016, and every year I hear people come up with their “New Year’s Resolutions.” I think the number one resolution is to get in shape, but since I have never done a scientific survey on that, I am not totally positive I’m right. Yet, if I am right, then the first exercise we all need to do is smiling, so that our facial muscles stay in shape. I am calling anyone who is interested in feeling better, to start a smile revolution.

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Connecting History and the Bible - Healthcare
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Connecting History and the Bible - Healthcare

There is so much controversy today in the US about healthcare.  We hear so many arguments on the subject.  Should there be healthcare as we now know it?   How can we improve the medical insurance programs that we have?  Is there any way we can make this situation better?  Medical insurance in this country basically started in the 1930s when labor unions were demanding things such as child labor laws, five day workweeks, and eight hour days.  It was after WWII that medical insurance for employees sky rocketed.   Today, the healthcare situation in this country seems to be in trouble.  People on all sides have suggestions on how we can improve the situation.

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