The Church of God International (CGI) traces its origins to the Church that Jesus founded in the early first century. Membership in the CGI consists of "called out ones" from around the world practicing Christianity as initiated by Jesus and furthered by the early apostles. The church begun by Jesus, the very one He promised would survive through the centuries, is alive and well. Today, disciples live the faith "once delivered to the saints" in this twenty-first century (Jude 3). They obey the same message taught by Jesus Christ, and they proclaim the same gospel taken to the world by the disciples. Members value the witness and teachings of Jesus Christ as the church's work.
The CGI home office is in Tyler, Texas. Incorporated in 1978, CGI has ministers and congregations scattered throughout the United States and Canada . We also have churches in Kenya, Jamaica, the Philippines, Australia, the United Kingdom and a growing number of countries around the world.

Featured Media
Many Christians understand the importance of praying to God but may be unsure of how to do it. Some may struggle with knowing what to say, while others resort to reciting scripted prayers or simply ask God for help in times of need. In this edition of Truth Unveiled, George Roper will explore the questions of how to pray and whether it’s possible to learn the practice of communicating with God.
The Armor of God podcast, hosted by Anne Reed, Anika Sandy-Hanson, and Blake Silverstein, introduces discussions about spiritual readiness and applying biblical principles to everyday life. In the first episode, they focus on understanding the Armor of God, emphasizing its relevance to the spiritual battles Christians face and how it empowers believers to withstand challenges. They also explore the importance of truth, spiritual awareness, and the active influence of the spiritual realm in their faith journey.
In this episode of Prove All Things, guest Wynn Skelton leads a discussion on angels and their roles as servants of God, exploring their responsibilities throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. He delves into the various types of angels, such as seraphim and cherubim, and examines their duties, including guarding sacred places like the Garden of Eden. Wynn also touches on the concept of archangels, their unique responsibilities, and how their roles may offer insight into the future responsibilities of spirit beings in God's service.

Featured Articles
Information and opinions expressed in this blog do not necessarily reflect the collective beliefs and doctrines of the Church of God International, its members, ministry, or leadership.

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You have probably heard of the placebo effect. The "placebo effect" has to do with a patient taking a pill that has no medical properties, yet in many cases, taking that pill leads to an improvement for a physical or mental issue. You usually hear of this effect taking place without the patient's knowledge of whether the pill had medicine or not.
Today, researchers believe the effect can occur even when the patient knows the placebo is not medicinal. "You never tell a patient it's going to work," says Ted Kaptchuk, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and director of the program in placebo studies and the therapeutic encounter at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.