God Moves

by Brandy Webb

My family and I just got back from the Feast. We were blessed to have been able to go to a small site in Costa Rica. It was an awesome experience.

The irony is that my children and I were not too excited about going to Costa Rica at first. One reason is we had just started at a new school that I am teaching at for the first time. So, we had a lot of “firsts” going on, and we just weren’t really in the right frame of mind to travel to a country we had never been to before and one that spoke a language that none of us are able to speak. However, my husband happened to purchase our plane tickets before we had a chance to voice our concerns, so we ended up going to Costa Rica. And we all are so grateful that we did.

Beach and jungle in Corcovado National Parc, Costa Rica

Beach and jungle in Corcovado National Parc, Costa Rica

I am learning that sometimes God moves us in directions that we may have never considered and, at first, may seem scary or overwhelming. We don’t always understand the direction we are going or how we are going to be able to go down the new path. These are the times that I am constantly repeating in my head, “Do not lean on your own understanding; trust God in everything, for my thoughts are not His thoughts because His thoughts are way higher and wiser than my own” (paraphrased from Proverbs 3:5; Isaiah 55:8-9).

My thoughts at first about going to the Feast of Tabernacles in Costa Rica were full of worry and anxiety, and yes, I know those feelings do not come from the Spirit of God. Once we got there though, all the fears evaporated. The people were very welcoming. The Feast was spiritually edifying. We had opportunities to serve others that were less fortunate than ourselves, which taught my children a lot about how blessed they are to have parents, a loving family, a home of their own, and the ability to see each other every day. We also got to hear testimonies of faith that will stick with me forever. We also rejoiced before the Lord. What more can one ask for out of the Feast of Tabernacles?

I am grateful God moved us in a direction that, at first, I didn’t want to go. I am grateful for the lessons that I learned and the spiritual growth that I received. It isn’t easy to go against our own wills. However, the only way we can truly see God move in our lives is if we let go of our own will and let His will guide our lives.

“How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways” (Psalms 128:1).



Tunnel Vision


Hold Fast