Hold Fast

by Brandy Webb

I know I talk about faith a lot. Maybe it is because sometimes I fall short. I let fear come into my being, and it fills me with worries and anxieties. During these times I have to keep telling myself that “God did not give me a Spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Well the other day, another thought came to mind: Faith is trusting God even if you don’t like what He is putting you through. Since this thought, I have met and talked to people that have inspired my faith because of their own testimonies and faith.


I am not going to share their stories in detail because I haven’t asked their permission. However, I will say that I have met people recently that are facing cancer. I have met people who have lived through the unexpected loss of a spouse. I have also met someone who lost a child, the pain of which I cannot even fathom. Yet, their faith is still strong, and when I say strong, I mean strong. They hold fast to their hope in God that He will see them through. Some have even used their tragedies to help others in similar situations, thus fulfilling that good can come out of trials. It has been faith inspiring. 

Thus, the whole thought of faith is trusting God no matter what we are going through. We know that in this life we will face all kinds of various trials. In fact, Paul warned Timothy of this very thing. Paul reminds Timothy how he, Paul, behaved during his persecutions and suffering with faith, patience, love, and endurance (2 Timothy 3:10-11). He goes on to also point out that “those who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). However, we are to continue in the faith despite the hard times. This is why we have the Scriptures. The Word of God gives us strength to endure (Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:16). When we read about the faith of the saints, we can realize they were human just like us. We also can be called “the faithful” when we put our complete trust in God despite fear, worry, and anxieties.

The truth is Satan can’t stand it when we stay faithful. He will attack us with his “fiery darts” to try to knock us out. However, if we make sure that our “shield” is fully equipped we can fight him back with our faith. I am also realizing that despite how my “gut” may feel, because it runs on nerves sometimes and I think has a direct line to my carnal thoughts, I can still be faithful. I believe God understands when we trust Him, even if there is still a little fear inside, because He knows that we are both carnal and Spirit and the two war against each other. Thankfully, He is loving and full of mercy. He understands that sometimes we act the way we do not want to act. 

Therefore, hold fast to your faith no matter what you are going through. Hold fast to the hope that is within you, and remember this is only a temporary dwelling. One of these days, we will finally be fully free of all fears, worries, and anxieties.


God Moves


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