The Church of God International

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Hospital for Sinners?!

by Jeremy A. Brown

Is the church what Jesus intended it to be? Many have been conditioned by the media and other sources of entertainment to see the church as this perfect entity. The world makes it seem like the church is no place for sinners. It is where everyone attends, their clothes are pristine, their lives are immaculate, and there’s just a few misfits. You have to look the part to attend many churches, and many feel they need to hide their sins instead of seeking the counsel they need. Just show up, keep your problems to yourself, and pay your tithes faithfully. It’s all a facade! We all know there’s no perfect soul on this earth, except Jesus Christ who came and died for our sins (John 3:13). What does the Bible have to say about this?

The Bible says the church is the hospital for sinners, because no one is in need of a hospital when he/she is healthy (Mark 2:17). The hospital is for those who are sick and want to be healed of their ailments; the church is for SINNERS who realize they can’t make it in this life without Jesus Christ. Seeing that we’re all sinners, we should all be in attendance at church (services) seeking Jesus, so that we can be healed (Romans 3:23). To be a Christian, one must confess one’s shortcomings and seek Jesus for help in overcoming those sins. The Church (Ekklesia—called out ones) is there to give us the counsel we need to guide us on the path to overcoming our sins through Jesus Christ (1 John 1:9).

We all need the Church and should attend church services, seeking to overcome our sins through Jesus and realize that all 7.5 billion inhabitants of the earth are sinners (Ecclesiastes 7:20). We all must seek Jesus as our spiritual doctor for the healing of our sins (Romans 6:23).