Bible Q&A with Wes White - Is the Bible Anti Women?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Bible Q&A with Wes White - Is the Bible Anti Women?

We have a question from someone who asks, “Was the apostle Paul anti-woman?”

In short, the answer is that Paul absolutely was not anti-woman.  Let’s look at what the Bible tells us about Paul.  When we look at the writings of Paul, the first thing we find is that women labored side by side with Paul.  

Philippians 4:3 tells us.  

“And I entreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with my other fellow laborers, whose names are in the book of life.”

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Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

The Feast of Trumpets is right around the corner to mark the beginning of God’s fall Holy Days, and the end of His Holy Day calendar. I know that sometimes it is really hard to wonder if the fulfillment of the fall Holy Days is ever going to happen, but we must accept that God’s time is much slower to us than our time. One day to Him is like a thousand years. We may think He is taking His time, but to Him it is going by really fast.

We also have to understand that God doesn’t wish any to perish (2 Pet 3:9). We may think that He needs to speed things up, but may be saying not yet because He wants more to come to Him and be saved. 

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Bible Q&A with Wes White - Does the Bible Condone Rape?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Bible Q&A with Wes White - Does the Bible Condone Rape?

Now, before we answer this, we’ve got to stress that rape is a horrible, heinous crime and sometimes people seem to minimize its damage.  Even some Christians.  

There are so many women out there who have been sexually abused who suffer emotional damage-- long after the actual crime was committed against them.  And sometimes people say ridiculous things to a rape victim about how she should get over it or she needs to forgive or she needs to quit thinking about it.

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Bible Q & A with Wes White - Are We living in the End Times?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Bible Q & A with Wes White - Are We living in the End Times?

Let’s not mince words.  Let’s cut to the chase.  Yes!  We are living in the end times!

Now, before you get too excited, I want to give you a warning.  If some minister ever tells you that we are living in the end times, you should challenge him.  You need to ask him for specifics.  You should ask him things like this:

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Turned Upside Down
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Turned Upside Down

Have you ever had a life moment where everything changed in a blink of an eye? Like someone just flipped a switch in your life, and it wasn’t in a good way. I have had those moments in life where you wish it was all a bad dream, and you could wake up and everything would be back to the way it was. I know some people that had these life-altering moments this week. It is as if your life just got flipped upside down, and it takes everything inside you to just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

These times are moments that really test our faith. Will we allow the trial to make us bitter towards God?

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Jeff Reed Jeff Reed


You know we have a lot of “firsts” in our lives. The day we are born is the first day separate from our mother’s womb. We have first days of school and first days of work. First days have to happen every time we do something new, and sometimes those first days can bring a flood of anxiety.

This week was the first day for my kids to go to public school. I am a homeschooling mom that decided to do something different this year. After much thought and prayer, my family and I decided to give public school a chance. I am for a good education. I have friends that homeschool, friends that send their kids to private school, and friends that send their kids to public school.

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Is the Dollar at Risk?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Is the Dollar at Risk?

Many are concerned a “storm” is coming! Off in the distance, what sounds like thunder can be heard, or maybe it’s the “hoof-beats” of approaching “horses”––but some are predicting the conditions of a “perfect storm” might be developing that could lead to an economic collapse of global proportions before the year of 2015 ends––should we be concerned?

Can this be true?

People in the financial community as well as some voices from religious circles are heralding there are “buds on the fig tree” that warn of major calamities coming our way, here in North America, and throughout the rest of the world. 

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Walk in Another’s Shoes
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Walk in Another’s Shoes

“You never really know a man until you understand things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1960).

We have all argued with someone. Maybe you had an argument yesterday or last week. The fact is, humans argue. Do you ever think that the person you are arguing with is just not hearing you? Do you find yourself thinking one or all of the following?

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Reaching Your Potential (Part 2)
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Reaching Your Potential (Part 2)

One of my coaches once taught me something that has been engraved in me ever since: Practice does not make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. So practice making your practice perfect. In other words, challenge the way you think, the way you behave, and everything around you. Act 17:11 states, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” When you change the way you think, you will change the way you view things, but we must be open to new interpretations. First Corinthians 13:12 reminds us, “For now we see through a glass, darkly.” 

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Love Waxed Cold
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Love Waxed Cold

Most days I wake up and wonder how we got to such a state! Before I can open up the latest issue of the Wall Street Journal, I can see images of a world with so much pain and a lack of love for thy neighbor, images of the latest bombing victims, mass shooting, etc., on the front page. “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12). It’s become so common place that many of us are shocked when we turn on the news and we don’t hear about the latest mass shooting, mass bombing, murder, robbery, etc. How do we maintain our empathy and love for one another?

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Reaching Your Potential (Part 1)
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Reaching Your Potential (Part 1)

My biggest fear is to not reach my full potential according to God’s Word and His will. I believe full-heartedly that God’s will for each of us is to obey His commandments. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thy self” (Luke 10:27). I believe that there is a difference between knowing God and doing God’s will. My dad taught me that the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people do what unsuccessful people do not want to do.

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Go the Extra Mile
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Go the Extra Mile

Do you ever have that moment where someone asks you for a favor, and you really don’t want to do it? Maybe you are tired, maybe you are just not in the mood, but there really isn’t anything pressing that would stop you from helping. The only thing keeping you from helping the person is, you just don’t want to.

When I find myself in these situations, I ask myself, “What would the Messiah do?” I know that my attitude isn’t right, and I can go straight to Scripture and listen to His exact answer.

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Fight Fire With Fire, You’ll Get Burned
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Fight Fire With Fire, You’ll Get Burned

Have you ever been around an angry person, someone that reacts to situations in a volatile way or harshly? Dealing with difficult people is hard. People can be downright mean. It may be tempting to desire retaliation. But, we are called to a higher purpose. We are to return cursing with blessings (Luke 6:28), hate with love (Luke 6:27), a harsh word with gentleness (Prov 15:1). We are to fight fire with water.

When we react to fire with fire, we can set the whole situation ablaze, making it far worse than it was in the beginning. Fighting rage with rage only creates more rage. There is no room for peace. Our society seems to be full of people who just want to keep the rage going.

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Take Care of Your Garden
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Take Care of Your Garden

The kids and I just returned on a long trip with some of our closest friends to visit their family in South Dakota and Minnesota. We had a great time. Beautiful weather, definitely cooler than Texas, and it was great to see everyone. Plus, the kids and I got to see a part of the United States that we have never seen.

We mainly stayed in South Dakota because that is where my friend’s parents live. One of the many things I admired during our stay was their garden. They have a real gift in raising one of the most productive gardens I have ever seen, rows and rows of all kinds of vegetables

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Connecting History and the Bible - Vacations
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Connecting History and the Bible - Vacations

American is known for its love affair with vacations.  After WWII, America saw an explosion of vacations—specifically in the 50s and 60s.  With the creation of the interstate highway system, it became common for families to load up the camper and do a road trip to places like the beach or a recreational lake.  Or, with cheap air fair, they would jump on a plane to places like Disneyland or Yellowstone.

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Don't Give Up
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Don't Give Up

I have found out in my life that nothing comes easily. I must push myself to reach any goals. If I wanted to make a great grade in school, I not only had to study, but I had to rewrite my notes from the class to reinforce what I learned. Sometimes it gets rather discouraging to always have to work hard to reach a goal. Sometimes I find myself wanting to give up because I’m tired of having to always climb uphill, never reaching the summit. It is also tempting to think that others have it easier, but I must not let the few who “appear” to have an easy life cause me to become frustrated with my own.

No one out there has an easy life. One guarantee we have, other than death, is that we will face tribulation in this life (John 16:33). We all will face various trials, especially when we are trying to reach our goals. The thing is, we cannot let trials and setbacks win. We have to be willing to work hard.

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Supreme Court Ruling: Marriage––Defiled, or Protected?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Supreme Court Ruling: Marriage––Defiled, or Protected?

Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling, legalizing homosexual marriage. This law has afforded the homosexual community to obtain marriage licenses for legally authorizing same-sex unions as a legitimate marriage. However, does this really provide same-sex couples to access the status, or condition of marriage? Are homosexual couples actually able to enter into the union of marriage? Does the Supreme Court of the United States have the authority to actually define marriage as a homosexual union? These are important questions.

In a world filled with conditions and events that are not what they appear to be, it would seem this legislative ruling is just another attempt to claim something is, when in fact, it’s nothing of the sort. 

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Let It Go
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Let It Go

I realized the other day that I’m not a very humble person. The epiphany happened when I was reading Peter. I have a hard time giving my anxieties to God, and I realized in 1 Peter 5 that it is my lack of humility that causes me to not let go and give it all to God.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; casting all your worries on him, because he cares for you (1 Pet 5: 6-7).

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Inventory of Wrongs
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Inventory of Wrongs

This one characteristic of love, to not take inventory of past evils, is really shown in the prodigal son story. I know that the majority of you know the story; if you don’t, it is found in Luke 15. I want you to notice the context that is going on when Jesus tells the story. Sinners and tax collectors were coming to hear His teachings, and the Pharisees and scribes were murmuring in the background, getting angry that Jesus was welcoming sinners. What were the Pharisees and scribes doing? They were taking account of the other people’s sins and holding it against them. So, Jesus rebukes their lack of love by telling them parables, and one of them is about the prodigal son.

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Wynn Skelton New Full Time Employee
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Wynn Skelton New Full Time Employee

The Church of God International (CGI) announced from its Tyler offices this week that it will be hiring Wynn Skelton of White Oak, Texas, as a full-time employee effective August 1st. Mr. Skelton will serve as Liaison to the Ministry as well as a member of the CGI Board of Directors. Mr. Skelton will continue to serve as the pastor of the Dallas/Ft. Worth (DFW) CGI congregation, as well as a traveling minister for the church, as he has been doing for the  past five years. During this time he has visited numerous CGI and independent congregations throughout the US and Canada.  Mr. Skelton will also continue serving as a mentor for candidates in the CGI Ministerial Training Program.

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