Worldly Ways
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Worldly Ways

Why are Christians so quick to judge the world? Why do some become even hateful towards the world? Don’t we realize that we are not perfect either, and that all of us “have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23)? Seriously, right now the world is ruled by Satan (1 John 5:19). It is not ever going to be a righteous place until God’s Kingdom overthrows the current ruler. Therefore, the world will do only what the world knows.

I do not think that it is healthy for us to get so wrapped up in what the world does. It is not our job to throw stones at the world. 

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I’m starting with the man in the mirror!
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

I’m starting with the man in the mirror!

This line may sound familiar to you; it’s from the song “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson. Are we honestly taking an unbiased look at the man/woman in the mirror? Are we emulating a true follower of Christ or are we looking in the mirror and seeing a mirage! Are we seeing ourselves as a good Christian, while those around us see us as hypocrites? Every time I turn on the television there are so many stories of hate going on. Someone hates someone of opposing political views, social class, etc., and unfortunately the church isn’t oblivious to it. 

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Homosexual Marriage
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Homosexual Marriage

Recently, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about homosexuality and the Bible.  And that’s because the United States Supreme Court has now ruled on the subject of same-sex marriage.  This new ruling now allows for same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

Many people are now confused by this ruling.  Some are frightened.  This decision will have ramifications for everyone.  

And now is time for the churches of God to take stock of this development.  There’s already been much discussion as to how this decision will impact society, but we in the body of Christ need to examine how this ruling will affect us in the church.

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Bible Questions & Answers
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Bible Questions & Answers

We have a question from someone who asks, “Are you saying that Jesus ascended to His Father in heaven AFTER being resurrected… and then returned to earth… and then ascended to heaven again?”

That’s right.  In John 20:17 Jesus says to Mary, “Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father.”  Then, we see in verse 19 that Jesus appeared that same day around evening in a locked room where the disciples were assembled.  So, between the time that Jesus appeared to Mary and the time later that same evening, He had ascended up to His Heavenly Father and returned.  And there’s more. 

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Charles Groce Retirement
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Charles Groce Retirement

On June 27, 2015, Charles Groce, Chief Executive Officer of the Church of God International (CGI) and Chairman of the CGI Board of Directors, announced his retirement. Over his 32 years of service in the CGI, Mr. Groce has served in a variety of capacities. Vice Chairman Vance Stinson was confirmed by the Board of Directors as Chairman of the Board. Also, Jeff Reed will be pastor of the Tyler congregation.

Mr. Groce’s term on the Board was up for renewal, and he asked the Board not to renew that term. The Board honored his request and accepted his retirement. Mr. Stinson and others acknowledge that Mr. Groce has been talking about retiring for some time.

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It is Possible!
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

It is Possible!

This week I saw a news article that I am glad I didn’t miss.  I don’t watch the news on a regular basis because it usually isn’t edifying, but thankfully, I read a news article that was very much edifying.  It was about Charleston, SC and how they reacted to a horrendous attack on their community.  Their way of fighting back against violence was beautiful.

Many acts of violence have happened over the years.  I don’t know if it is on the rise or if it is because of all the media coverage. I am not a statistician, so I can’t mathematically and scientifically figure out if we have become more violent or not, but the fact remains that we do live in a violent and evil world.

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Are We a Liberal or Conservative Church?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Are We a Liberal or Conservative Church?

As we assess the panorama of the Church of God groups, The Church of God International (CGI) is often tagged with the label “liberal” while others are known as "conservative." In a recent conversation with a fellow minister, this topic came up and we discussed both the misfortune and misuse of these labels.

While it is not right to label each other in this way, given that it does happen, it is important for us to understand why it does, what these terms really mean and how a proper understanding of them is reflected in the application of one of the cornerstones of our Vision, that of being “The Safest Place.” 

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Causing a Stink
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Causing a Stink

Most of us have been victims of it, and most of us have probably caused it, a stink with our tongues in the form of gossip. It is so commonplace that we probably do not even realize we are gossiping sometimes. We just think, “I’m just telling someone what happened.”

The question is, are we more prone to tell others about negative “happenings” or positive ones? Here is the hard truth, if we aren’t willing to say exactly what we are whispering in front of the person that we are “discussing,” then it is most likely gossip.

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Connecting History and the Bible - Was Anna Anderson Really Anastasia?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Connecting History and the Bible - Was Anna Anderson Really Anastasia?

One of the most confusing parts of Christianity is understanding the relationship between man and God.  How can a finite being be related to an infinite Being? It doesn’t seem to make sense.  I mean, we know we’re physical.  We’re flesh and blood.  Yet, we’re somehow related to a Being who’s made of spirit?  How does this happen?

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Hebrew Roots
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Hebrew Roots

It’s dangerous to Christianity when people want to add things to the instructions that we’ve already been given in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. One example is where people want to add holidays to Christianity that aren’t found in the Bible when God has already given us His days to celebrate. Another example is where some religious leaders want to create a hybrid religion where they combine the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of first-century Judaism. And when they do this, they’re creating a hybrid religion.

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Joy Thief – A Bad Attitude
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Joy Thief – A Bad Attitude

Have you ever had a day like this: you wake up feeling great, energetic, ready to conquer the world, but an hour after getting up, your kids start arguing, something breaks, you find a bill you forgot to pay, and the next thing you know you realize you’re running late? Then, all of a sudden, that wonderful mood you were in switches like a light bulb from light to dark, from good mood to bad mood? 

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Are Near Death Experiences Biblical?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Are Near Death Experiences Biblical?

Many today claim they have visited heaven, entered into the “Pearly Gates!” In some cases claiming they actually saw Jesus–– sat on His lap––even testifying they saw their loved one’s welcoming them into the presence of God! Can this be true? Is it even possible to have a "Near Death Experience” and return from death to tell your story? What does the Bible have to say about this?

Well regardless of these experiences, the Bible is very plain about the possibility of this happening and it’s quite revealing as to what is actually occurring––you be the judge. Take a moment with us as we explore this question: Are Near Death Experiences Biblical?  

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Give Your Dreams to God
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Give Your Dreams to God

I loved to daydream about my future when I was younger. When you are young everything is possible, so my dreams were endless. Unfortunately, though, as I have aged and “reality” happened, I have lost the ability to dream big. Now, I’m not about to preach some “get rich” doctrine. No, big dreams don’t necessarily mean wealth because what makes people content doesn’t always revolve around money. Being content with much and being content with little is a huge dream of mine. I admire Paul that he was able to live a life of contentment (Phil 4:12). Who wouldn’t want that?

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What If?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

What If?

What if this happens, what will I do?  Does your mind ever play out possible future scenarios?  Usually, at least for me, when I let my mind wonder about the future, it isn’t positive hypothetical scenarios.  It is usually scary scenarios of “what if” this happens or that happens, how will “I,” get through it.  

Have you ever heard the saying, well, “things are going great, I just wonder when the other shoe is going to drop”?  Why are we like this?  Why do most of us look around waiting for the “other shoe to drop” instead of enjoying today?  Why are we caught up worrying about the future?  Aren’t we supposed to walk in faith?  

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Feel the Love
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Feel the Love

Jesus frequently gave it between the eyes to the religious leaders of his day.  “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” He called them blind guides and whitened sepulchers.   Twice he entered the temple, turned over the tables of the official temple moneychangers and drove them out.

One could easily get the impression that Jesus was an angry man, and indeed at times he was.  But I am going to invite a different take on Jesus and these passages from the gospels.  Read them not from the viewpoint of his anger but from the perspective of his love.

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Vengeance is Mine
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Vengeance is Mine

“I’ll pay that person back the next time I get a chance.” Have you ever heard someone say something close to that phrase? Have you ever said it? Revenge for a wrong done to you at the time may seem sweet, but don’t be fooled; it is very bitter going down.

It is hard not to desire retaliation when someone has wronged you. It is hard to “let it go” and move on or “forgive and forget.” Even if the clichés are sometimes annoying, it is better for you, in the long run, to not react and lower yourself to the level of the one that hurt you.

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Good Medicine
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Good Medicine

Have you ever had one of those weeks that you are just plain grumpy? Well, if you haven’t, I applaud you. I can’t stand it when I’m in what my kids call, “the mood,” and I call “frumpy” (feeling grumpy). I just want to start over on those days or go back to bed because it seems that I can’t get anything right.

Well, the truth is, I need some medicine to help me. Not the kind you get a prescription for, but what the Bible calls good medicine, “a cheerful heart” (Prov 17:22). Even if I have to look hard for something to smile about, I need to do it. I need to show my children that my being in the “frumpy mood” doesn’t mean I have to stay there. It is possible to snap myself out of it, if I am willing. I need to give them an example of not letting your mood ruin your day.

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Invisible Idols
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Invisible Idols

When I was a child, I only thought that idols were statues that people bowed down to and worshipped. So, it was easy to say that I was not committing idolatry. As I have gotten older, I realize it is not always obvious when we are committing idolatry. I know I have said it before, but coveting is idolatry (Col 3:5). Therefore, when we look at that nice new car our neighbor just bought, and we wish we could get one too, well, we just coveted; therefore we broke two laws. Isn’t it awesome that we have a Savior who is very forgiving and patient!

The point is that there are invisible idols. These idols aren’t statues, pictures, symbols, etc., that people can see. They are things in our lives that we end up meditating on daily, worrying about, getting anxious over, striving after above anything else, and most importantly, putting above God the Father and Jesus our Messiah.

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Presbyterian Church Performs Same Sex Marriages
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Presbyterian Church Performs Same Sex Marriages

In a monumental move, the nations largest Presbyterian denomination voted recently to change its definition of marriage and allow its pastors to officiate same-sex ceremonies in states where gay marriage is legal. This decision paves the way for gay marriage to increase across the denomination’s 10,000 church congregations. This is an astonishing event among traditional Christians.
It is also very illustrative of this enormous progressive trend that is taking place within the traditional Christian community. Already, multiple denominations are beginning to take steps to appease the homosexual movement’s pressure to accept, normalize, and legalize “gay weddings” as a Christian ceremony.

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Connecting History and the Bible - One World Government
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Connecting History and the Bible - One World Government

So many readers of Bible prophecy warn us that some day there will be an evil, one-world government.  They like to point to past evil empires such as Nazi German, Napoleonic France, Rome, Greece, Babylon, and Assyria.  But it’s important to note that none of these previous governments were truly worldwide.  They may have controlled what was considered the totality of known civilization, but they certainly didn’t control places like China or the Americas.     But there was a time when humanity (for all practical purposes) did have a one-world government …and it’s probably not what you think.  This situation was closer to being a one-world government than any other in human history.

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