Digital Currency Gaining Momentum
Mike James Mike James

Digital Currency Gaining Momentum

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde signaled that her institution could create a digital currency within years in what would be a dramatic change to the euro zone's financial sector.

"My hunch is that it will come," Lagarde said during a virtual panel discussion hosted by the European Central Bank. "If it's cheaper, faster, more secure for the users then we should explore it. If it's going to contribute to a better monetary sovereignty, a better autonomy for the euro area, I think we should explore it."

Lagarde said it might be two to four years before the project could be launched due to concerns over money laundering, privacy, and the technology involved.

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Angelia Huntley Angelia Huntley


As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10, KJV).

What must we do in these times? Although some days life seems bleak and there seems to be no end to the tunnel, we must push forward as if there is no significant change. You may say "yes, I agree" but how can I do that? How can I be helpful during these times when patience, love, kindness, longsuffering, and endurance are so critical to everyday life and the love of many is waxed cold? Can I do this while being served or must I become a servant as Christ our Elder Brother was/is? Sometimes we forget that He is our Intercessor, speaking daily to the Father on our behalf. All we must do is live this life (physical life) out and that is it.

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More of Gen Z Identifying as LGBT
Mike James Mike James

More of Gen Z Identifying as LGBT

According to a recent survey from Gallup, one in six adults in Generation Z (born 1997-2002) identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). The latest survey based on more than 15,000 interviews conducted in 2020 with Americans age 18 and older found that 5.6 percent of U.S. adults identify as LGBT. In Gallup's survey from 2017, only 4.5 percent of U.S. adults identified as LGBT. In the 2014 survey, the number was only 3.7 percent.

We need to remember Generation Z is still reaching adulthood. Many in this generation will become adults over the next ten years, which could increase those numbers.

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Murder Up---End Near?
Mike James Mike James

Murder Up---End Near?

In 2020, the United States experienced the largest one-year increase in murders since the country started keeping records in the 20th century, according to crime data and criminologists. According to the FBI, there was a 20.9 percent spike in killings nationwide in the first nine months of the year.

Jeff Asher, an analyst who studies crime data, said, "Like everything else in 2020, the crime data was a disaster. There was a huge spike in murder, and it's hard to say just how bad it is, but it's fairly clear we are going to see the largest single-year rise."

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What's Going On?!
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

What's Going On?!

In the famous words of the singer Marvin Gaye, "What's Going On?!" Not only can Americans see it, but the world can see that something has gone awry in America. Things are not what they once were in America. There is political unrest, riots in the streets, people fighting about masks, or whether they will take that Covid-19 vaccine, and so on. The chaos is not just affecting mainstream America, but it has infiltrated the churches and even divided households against each other. The churches have not been able to assemble as they usually would, and some of the ones that are congregating have split regarding whether they should or should not make the wearing of masks mandatory. Families and longtime friends have ended relationships due to disagreeing over our current political chaos; the Democrats hate the Republicans, and the Republicans hate the Democrats. It's official and not hard to see that America is a "house divided!" What does the Bible say about a house divided, and how can Bible-minded Christians resolve these tense situations?

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Argentina Legalizes Abortion
Mike James Mike James

Argentina Legalizes Abortion

Argentina voted on December 30, 2020, to legalize elective abortion in a region of the world with some of the most restrictive antiabortion laws. A number of advocacy groups have been trying to change abortion laws in Latin America with varying degrees of success. These groups include Salvadorans attempting to end prison sentences for women having abortions and Colombians and Mexicans trying to decriminalize abortion.

“The movement in Argentina has been an inspiration,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, the Americas director at Amnesty International. “As we become more progressive societies, where the Catholic Church wields less power, these movements create an opportunity for states to acknowledge that abortion is a human right.”

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Political Upheaval
Mike James Mike James

Political Upheaval

On January 6, 2021, we witnessed something at our Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., that many of us would never have imagined. Our own people were breaking into and ransacking the building we formulate our laws in. Five people died during the events that occurred that day.

Over the summer, we saw violence in a number of our major cities. Some of that violence also has roots in political differences in our country.

Much of the anger of the far right and far left stems from the perceptions both sides have of the other. Social media and mainstream media have fed the fire that burns on both sides of the political spectrum. Lies, half-truths, innuendo, opinion, and speculation are accepted as if it is the word of God. Leaders on both sides have played a part in the fraying of our culture.

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Strange Prayer
Mike James Mike James

Strange Prayer

On January 3, 2021, Representative Emanuel Cleaver gave the first daily congressional prayer of the new 117th Congress. Cleaver is also a United Methodist pastor who has served for many years in Congress.

Cleaver was criticized by some for ending his prayer with the words "Amen and Awoman." The criticism stems from the fact "Awoman" is not a word. In fact, "Amen" has no connection to gender either. "Amen" merely means "so be it."

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Finally Brexit
Mike James Mike James

Finally Brexit

Britain officially left the European Union (E.U.) in January 2020, but it didn't entirely leave in another way. It began an eleven-month transition period that ended at midnight on December 31, 2020. The eleven months was supposed to give the E.U. and Britain enough time to work out a trade deal to continue the orderly movement of goods and services. Things did not go according to plan. In December 2020, the two sides were still trying to iron out the deal.

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More Precious than GOLD!
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

More Precious than GOLD!

What could be more precious than gold?! 2020 has been the year that has helped us to realize just how valuable this thing is. We need it more than ever, and no amount of money or material things can take its place. You know what I'm talking about, PEACE OF MIND! Whether you're a rich person or a poor person, nothing else will matter if you don't have peace of mind. 2020 was the year that we saw the things that brought us peace of mind be challenged or completely FAIL US; many of us have faith that our governments will protect us, our nations have a robust economy, our nation's healthcare system can take care of us, and so on. Yet all these entities suffered a rude awakening, and we still have not fully recovered. We do not know if things will get worse. What if I told you God told us how we could have real peace of mind, something our medicines cannot do since they just numb us mentally to the suffering we are going through.

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Suicide Spike
Mike James Mike James

Suicide Spike

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, there has been some anecdotal information that the virus would lead to increased suicides. Being primarily confined to your home, losing a job, losing a loved one(s) - all of these things can contribute to depression and anxiety, which could lead to suicide for some individuals. Recently, some new data has confirmed the speculation.

Both Japan and South Korea are among a few countries to provide current data on suicide rates. Most countries take a year or two before issuing their most recent numbers. Suicide rates in Japan and South Korea have increased noticeably during 2020.

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What Did Jesus Mean, “You Are Gods”?
Bill Watson Bill Watson

What Did Jesus Mean, “You Are Gods”?

During one of His visits to the Temple, Jesus Christ was confronted by some Jews who asked, “If you be the Christ [the Anointed One] tell us plainly.” As the dispute continued, it brought out a very interesting point about humanity’s destiny. Have you ever really thought about what this means?

This confrontation with these Jews, outside of the Temple—specifically, on Solomon’s porch—was where they posed this question. And, uniquely enough, we find Jesus responding very assertively about His position. He actually appears to be edging them on.

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Wars and Rumors of Wars
Mike James Mike James

Wars and Rumors of Wars

We should all be familiar with the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:6, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” There is no doubt that wars and rumors of wars have been with us throughout human history. They will continue down to the time of Christ’s second coming. Some recent events have created some seemingly new conflicts in the world.

Ethiopia’s human rights commission reports at least 600 people were killed in the town of Mai Kadra in western Tigray on November 9 when local youths known as Samri, aided by the then-local administration, went door to door killing those they identified as members of the minority Amhara and Wolkait ethnic groups.

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Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Mike James Mike James

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Over 92,000 sexual abuse claims were filed against the Boy Scouts of America as the November 16 deadline arrived for submitting claims in the organization’s bankruptcy case.

This number is much larger than what was expected from lawyers across the United States who have been signing up clients since the Boy Scouts filed for bankruptcy protection in February. The lawsuits allege decades-old sex abuse by Scout leaders.

In the filing, the Boy Scouts’ attorneys conceded that predators used the Scouts to access children, and local troops failed to act on all reports of abuse. The Boy Scouts National Chairman Jim Turley apologized to families in an open letter in February.

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What Are We To Do?!
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

What Are We To Do?!

Who knew the pandemic would affect us in this way?! The courts in California have allowed the state governor to prevent churches from congregating to hold services according to a recent article in the LA Times. In essence, people are not allowed to decide for themselves; the government has placed these restrictions on them and they could be fined or jailed if they decide to “break” the new law. Many other states and cities have passed similar laws restricting churches from congregating indoors to hold worship services throughout the U.S. and even in other nations. What are we as Christians supposed to do? Would you believe that the Bible gives us an example as to how we should react in such situations?

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Losing Our Religion
Mike James Mike James

Losing Our Religion

The dramatic drop in religious commitment in the United States may be one of the most foreboding indicators of where our country may be headed in the next forty years. Unlike similarly advanced technological cultures like Europe and Japan the U.S. has maintained more religious commitment. But a new book by Ronald F. Inglehart, a political scientist at the University of Michigan, suggests we are catching up to other secular societies.

When asked to express the importance of God in their lives on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “not at all important” and 10 being “very important,” Americans rated God at an average of 4.6 in 2017. That rating was down from 8.2 a decadebefore, according to an excerpt from Inglehart’s book, Religion’s Sudden Decline, in the September/October 2020 issue of Foreign Affairs.

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Female Priests
Mike James Mike James

Female Priests

The Church of Sweden recently announced that Swedish female priests outnumber male Swedish priests for the first time in the sixty years since females were permitted to become priests.

Of the 3,060 priests currently serving in Sweden, 1,533 are female, which is 50.1 percent, according to Cristina Grenholm, secretary for the Church of Sweden. The Church of Sweden Lutheran Confession is listed as representing 60.2 percent of Sweden’s population. Sweden is one of the most liberal nations in the world, so this development is not surprising. But other countries and churches are following along with the Swedish example.

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Be Spiritually Minded
Angelia Huntley Angelia Huntley

Be Spiritually Minded

Do you choose life or death? If we are Christ’s, as we claim to be, then we must be spiritually minded, putting off that old self daily by renewing our minds through His Word. You may ask the question, “How do I do that?” For there are times when we feel as Paul explained regarding his actions in Romans 7:15: “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (ESV). He (Paul) then went on to say that he knows that it is not the Spirit that dwells in him, but the flesh. We all know that we cannot serve both God and man (the flesh); for the one (flesh) is enmity towards God (James 4:4; Romans 8:7).

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Neuralink Chips, Digital Currency and Gene Editing
Mike James Mike James

Neuralink Chips, Digital Currency and Gene Editing

Neuralink Corporation is an American neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk and others, developing implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs). The company’s headquarters are in San Francisco.

Since its founding in 2016, the company has hired several high-profile neuroscientists from various universities. By July 2019, it had received $158 million in funding (of which $100 million was from Musk) and was employing a staff of 90 employees. At that time, Neuralink announced that it was working on a “sewing machine-like” device capable of implanting very thin threads into the brain, and demonstrated a system that read information from a lab rat via 1,500 electrodes, anticipating starting experiments with humans in 2020.

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Sound the Alarm!
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Sound the Alarm!

We can all see that something is awry in our world. All of the alarm bells are sounding. Even people around the world who don’t understand biblical prophecy can sense something has gone wrong. I speak with coworkers and friends who aren’t religious by any means, and they all have the same alarms going off—that our nation, and not only our nation but the world, is in pure turmoil. No one seems to understand how we got here so quickly, despite all of the warnings from God that if we keep disobeying Him these things will come to pass because we’re a stubborn people (Matthew 24:8-13). What is the job of God’s followers?! Are we to warn the people of what the great God of this earth says or should we keep it all to ourselves?!

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