Mike James Mike James


A recent movie playing on Netflix called Cuties has caused some controversy. Politicians expressed outrage, newspaper, radio and internet sites all commented. The director of the film, Maimouna Doucoure, said she was inspired to make the movie after she was shocked at a dance recital for young girls that seemed to sexualize them. This incident led her to begin researching social media and the pressures on young girls today.

Doucoure said, “I believe that cinema, and art in general, can change the world. We are able to see the oppression of women in other cultures. But my question is, isn’t the objectification of a woman’s body that we see in our Western culture not another kind of oppression?”

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Bahrain-Israel Establish Relations
Mike James Mike James

Bahrain-Israel Establish Relations

Bahrain and Israel announced on September 11, 2020, that they have agreed to establish diplomatic relations just a few weeks after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) worked out a similar deal (see my blog of August 28, 2020) with the Jewish state.

“This is a historic breakthrough to further peace in the Middle East,” read the joint statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain and President Donald Trump of the United States. The statement went on to say, “Opening direct dialogue and ties between these two dynamic societies and advanced economies will continue the positive transformation of the Middle East and increase stability, security, and prosperity in the region.”

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West on Fire
Mike James Mike James

West on Fire

Parts of a half-dozen states are being charred by more than 70 wildfires. Over 3.3 million acres have burned in California this year, which is a modern record. This has occurred before the traditional fire season begins. Thus far thirty-five people have been killed and over 4,000 homes, farmhouses and wineries have already been destroyed.

Over 14,000 firefighters were fighting fires from San Diego County in Southern California to the Creek fire in the center of the state. In September red-flag warnings, signaling a high fire threat, were up in much of California, Nevada, western Oregon and Washington, western Arizona and southern Utah.

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Slow to Anger
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Slow to Anger

How many of us are quick to get angry? I know that I tend to do so especially when dealing with my teenage children. Yet, I always feel so much guilt when the anger wears off. Thankfully, my children are very forgiving, but I do believe it is time for me to put a damper on my quick reaction to them when they do something wrong because I am supposed to be showing them a Godly example.

Many times in the Bible God is described as being slow to anger. A few places are: Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Nehemiah 9:17; and Psalms 86:15; 103:8; and 145:8. It is one of His major traits along with being loving, kind, and merciful. Honestly, He has every right to get angry at humanity, but He refrains from being quick-tempered. I feel that it is important to Him for us to also be slow to anger.

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Can’t Nobody Tell Me Nothing
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Can’t Nobody Tell Me Nothing

Say you have a friend you are in a debate with. He/she is stubborn about a certain issue, and you know that your friend is completely wrong. You decide to scrounge up some factual evidence, i.e., some statistical research and other proven facts. You present this factual evidence to your friend hoping he/she will see the truth, but that friend says to you, “So what!? I like what I believe [despite all of the factual evidence and years of research you have presented to me showing me that my view point is wrong]. I am going to [keep these beliefs, despite there being wrong and] do it my way.” This sounds a lot like our society today; we cannot resolve any conflict or issues because one side does not care despite what the facts show. I want to do what is right in my own eyes, despite the proven historical evidence. How did we as a society get here?

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UAE-Israel Accord
Mike James Mike James

UAE-Israel Accord

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel reached an agreement on normalizing relations in mid-August. The UAE is now only the third Arab country after Jordan and Egypt to have diplomatic relations with Israel.

UAE officials said they made this move in part to stop Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank. The West Bank and Gaza Strip were Palestinian territories occupied by Israel after the Six Day War of 1967. Israeli settlers have created villages on some of this West Bank land and Israel was planning on taking over some of these areas. That has all been put on hold with this new agreement.

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Burning Bibles for Racial Injustice
Horane Smith Horane Smith

Burning Bibles for Racial Injustice

The Holy Bible contains many important warnings on how to live our lives as Christians. If we don’t heed them, we stand in danger of falling away from the unadulterated Word of God because of sin.

During the Days of Unleavened Bread, one of the seven annual festivals of God, observed by a tiny minority of Christians, we often hear the phrase, “a little leaven leavens the whole lump.” It’s taken from two chapters in the Bible, Galatians 5: 9 and 1 Corinthians 5:6.

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Good and Acceptable
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Good and Acceptable

The world seems to be in chaos. In my opinion, it feels like up is down and down is up. Christian values are ridiculed. Sin is called good. Hypocrisy reigns, and it is hard to hear and discern anything because of all of the noise.

I never fully realized how powerful fear and anger could be. It seriously destroys rational thought, and a lot of innocent people are suffering because of the craziness that fear and anger cause. Unfortunately, those who are in power, on both sides, are not helping the situation. I guess they have forgotten the truth statement, a house divided cannot stand (Matthew 3:25).

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Hindu Temple
Mike James Mike James

Hindu Temple

On August 5, 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India helped dedicate a Hindu temple on the spot where a Muslim mosque once stood. The ceremony took place in the northern Indian state of Ayodhua. Modi and his Hindu nationalist party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is seeking to transform India into a state dominated by the Hindu majority.

In 1992 Hindu extremists destroyed a mosque where the Hindu temple site now stands. Nationwide riots ensued and about 2,000 people were killed. The temple project was also the source of riots in 2002 that left more than 1,000 people dead, mostly Muslims. India’s Supreme Court gave control of the site to Hindu groups in 2019 after a long legal battle.

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Which Party Are You With?!
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Which Party Are You With?!

Are you a Democrat or a Republican? It’s another election year in the USA and you can’t be neutral; which side will you choose? A recent study found that once you stake your claim with a particular party you have a 50 percent chance of offending someone from the opposite side of the political spectrum. So why do we allow politics in the church? Christ’s followers are supposed to love God with all of their heart and love their neighbor as thyself (Matthew 22:37-40). We’re all aware that politics is the debate or conflict between different ideologies hoping to gain power. Should we bring this conflict to the church?

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Black Lives Matter
Mike James Mike James

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter (BLM). Let the words resonate in your mind for a moment. What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about peaceful protests that are trying to overcome oppressive behavior? Are you thinking about black people who have been killed by the police in circumstances that could have been avoided? Are you thinking of slavery in the United States? You might even be thinking of an organization called BLM. Some of you might even be thinking of protesters turning violent and causing mayhem. Or maybe you are thinking of racist behavior directed at black people in the United States throughout our history. There are other possibilities you could be thinking about, too.

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2020 Feast of Tabernacles Announcement
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

2020 Feast of Tabernacles Announcement

As we look ahead to the upcoming Fall Holy Day Season, we are providing this announcement which reflects our recommendations for observing the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles/Last Great Day.

Due to the fluctuating uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, the possibility of additional restrictions being placed on travel, lodging, and entertainment, plus the potential health and safety risks to brethren, we are canceling all CGI "destination" Feast sites in the United States this year. Specifically, this includes Land Between the Lakes, KY, Myrtle Beach, SC, Harrison, AR, and St. Petersburg, FL. We did not come to this decision lightly. We looked for every opportunity and waited as long as we believed we could, for official guidance and confirmations, in order to proceed with our normal festival plans. Unfortunately, we have been beset with unworkable levels of restrictive variances, compounded by mandates and legislation from governors and additional limitations from local authorities.

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Brandy Webb Brandy Webb


Last month, CGI hosted a women’s retreat at beautiful Lake Texoma, Texas, which was organized by Lisa McComb. We were aware of the fact that the Coronavirus is/was still around. Therefore, we were diligent in washing hands and making sure things were clean. Thankfully, I can report that none of us who attended contracted the virus.

Well, enough about the virus. I have to say the retreat was a very welcome escape from everyday life, a time to fellowship, reflect, learn, and relax, a time to catch up with old friends, and a time to make new ones. I was blessed to be able to go with my mom and my daughter. Three generations of curly haired women getting to enjoy a retreat together.

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New Virus News
Mike James Mike James

New Virus News

With Covid-19 still raging around the globe, recent news from the Far East reminds us these types of issues will be with us moving forward. In June, Chinese researchers discovered a new type of swine flu that could be dangerous. This information was published in the U.S. scientific journal PNAS. The new strain, known as G4, is descended from the H1N1 strain that caused the pandemic in 2009.

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False Prophet
Mike James Mike James

False Prophet

In early June the missing children (Joshua and Tylee) of Lori Vallow were discovered dead on the property of her present husband Chad Daybell. The children were missing since at least November of 2019. Vallow is presently being held in Idaho on desertion charges.

A friend of Vallow’s reports that Vallow believed the children were “zombies” who were possessed by “dark spirits.” The friend said that Vallow had learned many of the ideas behind her present spiritual beliefs from Daybell, a religious author and declared prophet who often wrote about the end of the world and of preparing for the Second Coming.

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Who do you trust?!
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Who do you trust?!

In an age of “FAKE NEWS,” who can we trust? Can we trust our favorite politician? Can we trust the government? Can families trust one another? We live in an age where anyone can post what they believe on the internet, with no facts to back it up. A recent survey on found that 86 percent of internet users admitted to being duped by “FAKE NEWS.” Billions of people are exposed to that “FAKE NEWS” before someone can check the validity of the news that’s quickly spreading around the world. Nations don’t trust other nations, citizens don’t trust their leaders’ agendas, customers don’t trust businesses, etc. Who should we trust?!

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Active Listening
Mike James Mike James

Active Listening

As members in God’s Church we are servants to the people who worship with us. One of the most important ways to serve others is to listen to them. In these difficult times we see disagreements about how to react to the virus and how to overcome racial strife. The first step in overcoming disagreement is to listen to each other. Among the three primary forms of communication (listening, speaking, and writing), listening is probably the least practiced. Think about it: How many of you were formally trained in listening skills? I would ask that question in one of the classes I used to teach, and fewer people raised their hand for having had formal listening instruction versus speaking or writing instruction. Let’s understand a little bit about being better listeners.

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Choose to be Different
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Choose to be Different

The environment today is one of much strife. The news media feed off of it, and our politicians like to stoke it. Strife is not a good thing. In fact, “hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses” (Proverbs 10:12). I don’t know about you, but I cannot stand the environment that we find ourselves in. We need to choose to be different. We need to choose to strive to not sow discord, conflict, and strife, but instead show love by our actions and our words. We need to choose to be selfless not selfish.

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Actions “Speak” Louder than Words
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Actions “Speak” Louder than Words

It is hard not to mention the virus these days in any blog. I guess it is because we find ourselves in a situation that caught the world off guard. However, I don’t want to discuss the virus, but instead, I want to discuss something that has been on my mind for a while that has become magnified during this crisis. The issue is, more words don’t make someone look smarter and wiser.

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New Interactive Bible Study
Mike James Mike James

New Interactive Bible Study

Join Mike James on Friday May 29th at 7PM CST as he leads you through an interactive bible study on the subject of "Where are Enoch and Elijah?" Some Christian's believe Enoch and Elijah are in heaven, but what does the Bible say. The study will last 60-90 minutes. This is our first attempt at a live Church wide interactive bible study online. The GoToMeeting application will be used via your computer, but if you want to join using a phone line that is also available. To join into this study please send an email to or call Mike at 240-304-6798. You will receive an email or a phone call 20 minutes before the study begins. In the email there will be a link to click on bringing you right into the study. If you are joining by phone Mike can also call you with a number to call to join. This type of outreach may become a regular occurrence on Friday evenings when Bring on the Sabbath is not broadcasting.

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