Happy Mother's Day
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Happy Mother's Day

I am blessed to be a mom to two wonderful children.  I have definitely learned a lot from my children especially a gratefulness for how patient my mom must have been when I was a child. Read More...


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Do Not Fear Stepping Out of the Box
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Do Not Fear Stepping Out of the Box

I think all major inventions and successes have been from people who thought outside the box. They ventured to go “where no other man has gone before” (sorry, had to put that in there). But all clichés aside, in order to achieve a goal we will eventually have to step out of our comfort zones. Read More ... 

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Love Beyond Comprehension
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Love Beyond Comprehension

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). I have heard this scripture many times in my life, but today it hit me in a much deeper way. Read More...


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A Closer Walk
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

A Closer Walk

Grant me Father to walk close with Thee

Help me look at myself and my own sins to see

Let me walk with you hand and hand throughout my life

And find in you… Life wonderful delights


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Pray Without Ceasing
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Pray Without Ceasing

First Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing.” I have to say that through my life,no matter how frustrated I get, I try not to stop praying. I may not pray all the time on my knees, but I am in constant conversation with the Father. I talk to Him when I get up, when schooling isnt going quite the way I want it to, when I am confused, which unfortunately happens a lot, when I am happy, etc… I am constantly talking to God.  Read More...

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A Promise
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

A Promise

We made a promise before baptism

That we would follow Gods way as given

That we would be obedient and do all that we can

To give and show love and follow Gods demands


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Seven Irritating Things About "Noah"
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Seven Irritating Things About "Noah"

I went to see the movie “Noah” last Friday. I have always liked the history of Noah and the ark. The true meaning is one that a Christian can identify with because we are in many ways like Noah. I have a Tom Dubois print of Noah’s Ark called “Celebration” hanging in my office. I chose this particular painting specifically because I wanted a realistic depiction of Noah’s Ark. I was tired of all the pictures that portrayed the event as a nursery school story or some type of fairytale. So it may be obvious why I would not like this movie.

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Burlington Bible Study Series
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Burlington Bible Study Series

The Pastors of the Burlington, Ontario congregation are making a year long commitment to have monthly  Bible studies that will be announced in three month increments. Each study will challenge beliefs taken for granted by the Christian wold and will be led by a CGI minister, beginning with Adrian Davis on March 22, 2014.

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Is Homosexuality Compatible With Christianity?
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Is Homosexuality Compatible With Christianity?

Many people are talking about the news that Phil Robertson was discriminated against by A&E in suspending him from the television show “Duck Dynasty” based on his religious views that homosexuality is a sin. A&E stated, “His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong

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