True Freedom
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

True Freedom

Today is Independence Day for those of us in America.  It is our day to celebrate our freedom.  Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into politics or history because I am not really good at either subjects.  No, what I really am thinking about today is that full complete freedom won’t come until the last trump. Read More...

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In Honor of Thalia
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

In Honor of Thalia

On June 27, 2014, a bright light passed away. Thalia Hufton will always be remembered and missed by anyone who had the blessed opportunity to know her. She was a loving wife and mother, a devoted midwife of 32 years, an awesome friend, a servant in Christ—I could go on and on, and it still would not perfectly describe her.

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Prayer In Action
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Prayer In Action

I wanted to give an update on Meriam Ibrahim.  I have been following her story since I heard it.  I do have good news, but she and her family still need prayers. Read More...

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Live a Life of Peace
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Live a Life of Peace

Why do people end friendships because one person goes to another church organization? Why is it so hard even among Christians to get along? Don’t we realize that a house divided cannot stand? Read More...

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If We Are The Body
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

If We Are The Body

One major point I want to get out first before I discuss unity in God’s ecclesia, is that I am not advocating one super mega 501c3 organization. I actually like the fact that groups are smaller, and there is a lot more diversity. In fact, diversity makes us more like a body. Read More...

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Jeff Reed Jeff Reed


by Margaret “Peggy” Hunter

What kind of gift did God bestow on you?

What ever it is it’s something you can do

He gives us the gift that we can do best

That gift is more special than all the rest

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Public Bible Study
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Public Bible Study

June 15 was Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday is celebrated in all the Western liturgical churches to celebrate “The Most Holy Trinity”. The Trinity is a confusing doctrine that no one understands and no one can explain. Yet, it is deemed essential to salvation by Catholics and Protestants alike. The Trinity is the fundamental doctrine of Christianity. In fact, this single doctrine defines who is a Christian and who is a heretic. 

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Let His Light Shine
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Let His Light Shine

Jesus tells us that He is “the light of the world” and when we choose to walk with Him “we shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). We are to be light bearers, so we need to ignite the light inside of us. Read More...

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Armor of God Video Blog
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Armor of God Video Blog

Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix discuss questions and comments made in response to last weeks Armor of God program on "Biblical Origins of the USA and Great Britain." Watch this lively discussion about the facts and misconceptions surrounding this intriguing topic.

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Learn From Your Children
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Learn From Your Children

There are many times when I have heard wisdom from a child. I really believe children display insight because their eyes have yet to be tainted by the world. In essence, they are the true nonconformists. Read More...

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Love Does Not Envy, It Does Not Boast
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Love Does Not Envy, It Does Not Boast

Do you ever have problems with what people call the “green-eyed monster”? I know I do. It is hard not to with all of the advertisements out there telling you how much “happier” you would be if you had this or that. Or how about when you are going through a trial and someone you know seems to be just having a grand life? Read More ...

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Attitude Is Everything
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Attitude Is Everything

I have been teaching my kids this lesson for the past few weeks because I have realized how easy our attitudes can ruin our whole day. I do not enjoy having a bad attitude, and I really do not enjoy when the kids are having bad attitudes. Therefore, the kids and I have really been trying to work on our attitudes lately, so this topic has stuck in my head. Read More...

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Wait For The Lord
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Wait For The Lord

The story was about Meriam Ibrahim. I am sure many people have heard about her, but for those who have not, I will briefly share her story. She is a 26-year-old married woman who happens to be eight months pregnant and has a twenty-month-old son. She is being held in prison in Sudan because she is unwilling to recant her Christianity. Read More... 

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Don't Worry - Count!
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Don't Worry - Count!

For months, I have been working on overcoming a bad habit. My bad habit is dwelling on things that are not working out the way I hoped. I have realized that my dwelling turns into a perfect “magnifying glass” that makes the problems a lot larger than they really are, and keeps me from noticing the blessings in my life. Read More...

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Jeff Reed Jeff Reed


How do we consider someone a friend?

Is it someone on whom we can depend?

How close a friend do you feel you can be?

Can your friendship be measured as the sand by the sea?

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Rest and Enjoy Your Blessings!
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

Rest and Enjoy Your Blessings!

I have heard that some people are afraid to rest. At first I was surprised until I evaluated my own life, and then the statement actually made a lot of sense. Today, with the desire to get ahead and be successful by the world’s definition, we have become programmed to not rest.  Read More...


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