Tunnel Vision
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel vision is defined by Merriam-Webster as “Constriction of the visual field resulting in loss of peripheral vision.” Google’s informal definition is “the tendency to focus exclusively on a single or limited goal or point of view.”

Here lately, I have been suffering from a bad case of “tunnel vision” in a negative way. I have been only focusing on things that are overwhelming and stressful that I am facing right now. Key thing, I am focusing on “my problems,” which in turn takes my focus off of God and others who are around me.

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God Moves
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

God Moves

My family and I just got back from the Feast. We were blessed to have been able to go to a small site in Costa Rica. It was an awesome experience.

The irony is that my children and I were not too excited about going to Costa Rica at first. One reason is we had just started at a new school that I am teaching at for the first time. So, we had a lot of “firsts” going on, and we just weren’t really in the right frame of mind to travel to a country we had never been to before and one that spoke a language that none of us are able to speak

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Hold Fast
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Hold Fast

I know I talk about faith a lot. Maybe it is because sometimes I fall short. I let fear come into my being, and it fills me with worries and anxieties. During these times I have to keep telling myself that “God did not give me a Spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Well the other day, another thought came to mind: Faith is trusting God even if you don’t like what He is putting you through. Since this thought, I have met and talked to people that have inspired my faith because of their own testimonies and faith.

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Open Communication Line
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Open Communication Line

Have you ever left the house and noticed you forgot your cell phone? Anxiety hits and you think, “Oh no, people can’t get in touch with me.” So, you find a place to turn around to go back to your home to get your phone because the idea of not having your communication line open is not a desirable thing.

Well, how many times have you left the house without making sure your “spiritual communication line” was open? I am talking about the best and free way to communicate with the most important being ever.

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Walking in Faith
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Walking in Faith

Abraham walked in complete faith. I know we all know the story, but it still amazes me how much faith he had. We know that it was his faith that made him heed God’s voice to leave Harran at the age of 75 to go to an unknown land that God promised him (Genesis 12:4-5). He literally walked in faith.

Now we know he was not perfect—he did have his moments of fears—but he overcame them. He is known as a pillar of faith in Hebrews chapter eleven.

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From Point A to B
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

From Point A to B

My family, extended included, and I celebrated my grandfather’s 95th birthday this past weekend. He is my longest living relative so far. It was wonderful to celebrate with him for his longevity.

After the celebration some of us went over to visit more at his home, and I asked him what it felt like to be nearly a full century.

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A House Divided
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

A House Divided

I don’t normally like to talk about current events in my blogs because the world is a very frustrating place, and I don’t like to give the craziness any more publicity than it already receives; however, sometimes the chaos is hard to ignore. We have seen some bad instances this past week because of hatred. Unfortunately, rioting and violent protests have almost become the norm over the past ten or so years, and the truth is, there is a lot of hatred on both sides.

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Brandy Webb Brandy Webb


So, this week I have been struggling with what to blog about. I will be honest, I have had a lot of new things happen recently that have kept me busy. I have been asking myself, well, what Christian principle am I learning through all this? Last week’s blog was definitely motivated by the changes that are occurring in my family’s lives. Yet, this week, I had writer’s block until one of my closest friends gave me an idea.

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Walking in Faith
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Walking in Faith

Abraham walked in complete faith. I know we all know the story, but it still amazes me how much faith he had. We know that it was his faith that made him heed God’s voice to leave Harran at the age of 75 to go to an unknown land that God promised him (Genesis 12:4-5). He literally walked in faith. 

Now we know he was not perfect—he did have his moments of fears—but he overcame them. He is known as a pillar of faith in Hebrews chapter eleven.

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Has Marriage Become a Thing of the Past?
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Has Marriage Become a Thing of the Past?

Many times today you hear about the “unmarriage” of the millennial generation. The average age when people first marry has steadily increased from 23 to around 30 in not just American culture but many other western nations around the world. Often you hear or read articles that cast marriage as a burden; something that was once considered a sign of maturity has become or is slowly becoming taboo. Getting married and having a family in our new world culture is no longer cool.  

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100 percent, 100 percent of the Time
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

100 percent, 100 percent of the Time

The other night my husband and I were talking, and he said that there was something that hit him that made him stop to think about for a while. I asked him what it was. He stated that he realized that there wasn’t anyone that he agreed with 100 percent, 100 percent of the time. What stopped him was the realization that I was included. Honestly, it didn’t really come as a surprise to me because we don’t agree all the time. However, it did get me to contemplate this truism. 

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Brandy Webb Brandy Webb


I just got back from a week-long camp with a bunch of teens. I am so exhausted. Teenagers are full of endless energy. I cannot wait for the day that I will no longer become tired, but alas, I must wait until God’s kingdom comes for that to happen. However, despite my exhaustion the camp was an awesome experience. It is always enjoyable to see how the body of Christ moves even within our youth.

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Casting Stones
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Casting Stones

I have been thinking about the adulteress woman’s story found in John 8:1-11. I have been wondering how God’s people would act in a circumstance like this one. Would we be like the Pharisees, who wanted to stone her to death, or would we be like Jesus, who wanted to give her mercy and forgiveness? The reason I have been thinking about this is that Christians have seemed to become branded as a judgmental “stone throwing” group of people, and I wonder if there is any truth to this.

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Brandy Webb Brandy Webb


There is a lot of desire these days to unplug. Today a lot of us are connected to our many devices. In fact, it is hard for me to go at least an hour without checking my email, getting online to “research” something, social media, or news, or… The internet is like a black hole. You plug into it and time is just sucked away. What seems like five minutes ends up being an hour wasted. So, it does seem like a good idea for our mental health and well-being to unplug more often from the internet

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Hope: It’s a God Thing
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Hope: It’s a God Thing

I know I have written quite a few blogs about facing trials here lately. In fact, I didn’t even realize, until last week, the flowing theme that has been in my past few blogs. I guess it just shows that, obviously, I am currently in the midst of various trials.

Well, I want to focus on hope today. My family and I love rainbows. 

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Count it all Joy
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Count it all Joy

I am part of a small women’s Bible study that just started. I did miss the first meeting because my daughter and I had head colds. Spring is great but not great on the sinuses. Well, we are studying the book of James. James happens to be one of my favorite books of the Bible. All the books are great and very important, but for some reason James stands out for me.

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Be Still
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Be Still

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to do nothing at all. I really think God is trying to teach me how to be still, let go, and trust Him. I know how I am supposed to behave when facing trials that I can’t fix, but I still find myself fretting and trying to figure out a solution. As if I can somehow control the situation and make the problems go away.

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Brian G. Bettes Brian G. Bettes


I went to my daughter’s school awards ceremony a couple of days ago. I was struck by the fact that there was a “B” honor roll, and that there was an honor roll for each semester. Are we really telling kids that they can do less than stellar work for only part of the year and still be on the honor roll? In my school growing up, if you didn’t maintain a straight “A” report card all year long, you didn’t make the honor roll. When did we start telling our children that all they have to do is be slightly above average, and they get honored for that? 

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Love Yourself to Love Others Better
Brandy Webb Brandy Webb

Love Yourself to Love Others Better

I know some people, me included, that struggle with truly loving themselves. I am not meaning that we hate ourselves. We just struggle with loving ourselves by liking who we are instead of wishing to be something else. Some of us also struggle with loving ourselves by not forgiving ourselves when we make mistakes. Instead we rehash the mistakes over and over, wishing we could go back in time and have a “do-over.” There are also some of us that struggle with loving ourselves because we are afraid that we will end up becoming prideful and start having the worldly self-love of caring about themselves more than we care about anyone else or esteeming oneself above others.

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Brian G. Bettes Brian G. Bettes


 have often heard it said that the most difficult thing about learning something new is unlearning what we already know in the first place. The willingness to jettison long-held ideas and beliefs, even when confronted with clear evidence to the contrary, is indeed difficult. Why is that?

In the Bible is a story of a man who, though incontrovertible truth of God as the only true and living God was presented to him, his unwillingness to unlearn what he believed to be truth destroyed an entire nation. 

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